Bugsnax is a charming and colorful indie game from developer Young Horses that takes players on an adventure across a mysterious landmass known as Snaktooth Island. Snaktooth is home to a variety of strange creatures that appear to be a hybrid of bugs and snack foods, so these curious critters have been fittingly dubbed "Bugsnax."

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Players will need to capture these Bugsnax in great quantities to advance through Bugsnax's story, but each Bugsnax poses a different challenge that requires careful timing and an array of specialized tools. The Trip shot is one such tool, and its unique design makes it perfect for catching the most elusive and difficult Bugsnax.

Where To Find The Trip Shot

a woodsy region with a log cabin, pine trees, and a large, snow-capped mountain in the distance. the words Sugarpine Woods hover in the middle of the screen

The Trip Shot can be found in Sugarpine Woods, a region to the North of Snaxburg. Players will unlock this locale after the "Ghost Stories!" quest that introduces Chandlo. Players will then be able to cross the bridge past the wood mill in town into Sugarpine Woods.

a log cabin surrounded by green grass and tall conifers. a wooden hot tub sits to the left of the cabin, and the door to the building is open revealing pictures hung on the back wall next to a stone fireplace

Once in Sugarpine Woods, players will need to find Chandlo and Snorpy in their cabin in the middle of the map. After completing Chandlo's series of quests, players will then unlock Snorpy's quest line "Snorpy Goes Outside", which includes the "Don't Trip!" step to retrieve his latest gadget, the Trip Shot.

a tall, wooden watchtower with a covered structure at the top. behind the tower is a blue sky with a few white clouds floating by

Snorpy directs players to the tall, wooden observation post near the cabin to find the Trip Shot. A Sprinklepede, which is a donut-shaped Bugsnax, can be seen hanging out on one of the observation post's legs. Step onto the wooden launch pad at the foot of the tower to reach the top, where players will find the Trip Shot inside a small, covered shelter.

Escape The Observation Post

After picking up the Trip Shot, an alarm will trigger that traps the player inside the shelter. Snorpy then lets the player know that this is a security measure to protect against nearby Bugsnax. A Charmallow is now circling the tower, and players will need to get rid of it before they can escape the observation post.

Attach the Trip Shot to the table in the middle of the platform and aim it at the wooden target that's appeared just outside the tower. The Charmallow's flight path will take it directly through the Trip Shot's line, which will stun it and deactivate the observation post's security system. Once down on the ground, players can make their way back to Snorpy to complete this quest.

a wooden device suction cupped to a rock on the left and stretching a line with yellow balls on it across the path to a wooden cabin on the right

The Trip Shot is one of the most useful tools in the game, as it can stop fast-moving and elusive Bugsnax in their tracks. This includes creatures like Kwookie, Chippy, and Cheezer, as well as out-of-reach Bugsnax like Banopper and Cobhopper. The Trip Shot also has a hidden ability to transfer fire across its line, making it invaluable for capturing icy Bugsnax like Scoopy Banooper.

Bugsnax is available now for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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