Bugsnax has intrigued players although it is still unclear what the key elements of the game are. The title was revealed at the Playstation 5 launch event and many players were left perplexed by the game which had fruit becoming part of anamorphic characters once digested. A programmer and producer at the developer of Bugsnax, Young Horses, has now revealed the inspiration behind the game although it may add more questions for players who are interested in the elements of the game.

The initial trailer for Bugsnax sparked a series of memes as well as confusion on the internet, with many questioning how the game would move on from a core premise that seemed to be animals turning into fruit and helping the mayor. How the game will operate still seems unclear, but it seems that this may be because the title intends to tackle unventured ground. The inspiration for the game suggests that exploring fresh elements will be the direction of the title.

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In a tweet, a producer and developer at Young Horses, Kevin Geisler, revealed the inspiration for the unconventional Bugsnax. The inspiring titles included Ape Escape, Dark Cloud, Pokemon Snap, and Viva Pinata. All of these titles have undoubtedly had a significant impact in the gaming industry but players are now trying to find a connection between these games which range from JRPG's to platform games. There does not seem to be a definitive link at the moment but many will see the inspiration as a positive sign as games like Ape Escape were critically acclaimed and enjoyed by players.

A great deal of the reactions to this tweet are concerned with the connection to Dark Cloud. The game was not only focused on action role-playing but it also allowed players to build an area for NPCs, this was ahead of its time and earned the game considerable acclaim. With all the games mentioned providing original concepts that proved to be successful many will hope that this is the case for Bugsnax. If it is the case, then many players may be tempted to pick up the PlayStation 5 because of Bugsnax.

Despite reveals and trailers, a great deal of the next generations of consoles and games remains to be seen. While many players will be excited to see the full capabilities of the next generation of consoles and how they use impressive specs, others will be keen to experience new games that use the new technology in interesting ways. Judging by the inspiration for Bugsnax, the title may do this.

Bugsnax will be launching this holiday for PC via the Epic Games Store, PS4, and PS5

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