Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is an incredibly memorable game that lingers in the minds of most people who’ve played it and is known even to those who haven’t. Alongside a touching narrative, the 2013 adventure game by Starbreeze Studios introduced an innovative gameplay mechanic that had the player control two separate characters. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons received predominantly positive reviews and acclaim, winning awards for best game, innovation, and game direction. So when a remake of this now classic release was announced in December 2023, it seemed only fitting.

The story follows the adventures of Naia and Naiee, two brothers who embark on a journey to procure water from the Tree of Life for their ailing father. However, the world they traverse is far from ordinary, and they cross paths with giants, trolls, magical creatures, and fearsome beasts. Through it all, the two youngsters stay close together, with the game preventing them from wandering too far apart, and most obstacles in their path are only overcome by them working together. Naia lends his greater strength to tasks, while Naiee’s smaller stature aids in reaching inaccessible places.

brothers a tale of two sons remake underground bars steal key

Despite the central theme being two brothers overcoming problems together, the original Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons was not meant to be played co-op. Instead, a single player controls each brother individually: Naia with the left thumbstick and trigger, and Naiee with the right. This control scheme can be challenging to get used to, and some players overcame the discomfort by having a friend take over the controls of one brother. But that’s really not the way Brothers was meant to be played, and some of the more poignant moments in the latter part of the game can become less meaningful as a result.

Nevertheless, being able to play with a friend was one of the biggest complaints about the original game, and the Switch version introduced two-player co-op when it came out in 2019. This proved popular enough that it was included in the Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons remake. However, it is local co-op only, which will be a frustrating limitation for those who want to play with their online friends. But given that the game is meant to be a single-player experience, this seems an acceptable compromise, and adding co-op was really the most minor of the changes introduced in the remake.

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Is a Fitting Choice for a Remake

brothers a tale of two sons remake father doctor

While some games in recent years have gotten remakes whose necessity was perhaps questionable, the decision to update Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons was strategically a good one, introducing its unique mechanics to a new generation of players while giving fans of the original incentive to dive in again. Granted, the original game is still fully playable and its minimalist graphics could look good for another decade. But the remake’s new animations, cinematic camera movements and angles, and richer color palette make for a more immersive and even more memorable experience.

The original Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons was developed by Starbreeze and directed by Joseph Fares before he left to found Hazelight Studios and create A Way Out and It Takes Two. For the remake, license owner and publisher 505 Games turned to Avantgarden, a Milan-based studio that has truly done an exceptional job.

The first Brothers was made in Unreal Engine 3, and the remake takes full advantage of the capabilities of UE5 and brings some impressive visual upgrades. The game has been completely remade from top to bottom. Some of the most noticeable changes are the lighting and shadows, and Unreal Engine 5’s micropolygon geometry capabilities result in an increased level of detail in everything from rocks to metal to planks of wood. The water, which already looked good in the original game, looks even better and more realistic. And the somewhat empty world of the original is now alive with foliage of all kinds in the remake.

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Remake Offers More Than Visual Enhancements

The character models have also received significant improvements. Thanks to smoother animations, Naia and Naiee’s movements feel more fluid and responsive, making controlling them easier than before. Individual threads and weaving are now visible in clothing, skin has texture, hair looks more realistic, and faces move and show emotion. Every critter in the game got attention, not just the two brothers, so birds have distinct feathers, sheep are woolly and fluffy, and a certain boss is now delightfully detailed and horrifying.

The level of detail, the lighting and particle effects, the vibrant colors — it all combines to create a truly breathtaking environment that is simply a joy to explore. At numerous points during the game, some players will feel compelled to just stop and admire how beautiful the Brothers remake truly is. Even the field of view has been expanded, making the world seem larger as the two young boys venture out into a huge and intimidating land full of unknown dangers.

There have also been cutscenes added to Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Remake, which draw players even deeper into the experience, as well as a few more secrets to provide a bit of extra fun for those who know the original release inside and out. With the original composer, the game’s entire soundtrack has been re-recorded with a live orchestra, and the result successfully accompanies players through the story in an understated but occasionally powerful way.

Yet, even with the graphical overhaul and the tweaks to animations and controls, the remake remains very faithful to the original. The core gameplay of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, which was so innovative when it first launched, still provides a unique experience more than a decade later. The story is just as compelling and the ending still heartbreaking, perhaps even more than before thanks to the increased immersion introduced by the visual upgrades.

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Remake is an ideal opportunity for gamers who may have missed the original release, but it’s also worth another playthrough for those who enjoyed the 2013 version. While the game developed by Starbreeze remains a classic and has aged decently well, Avantgarden’s remake improves upon it in nearly every way to bring the delightful, sometimes emotional odyssey to modern platforms.

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Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Remake

An updated version of Starbreeze's Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, this 2024 remake delivers revamped visuals and controls, along with 2-player co-op support on all platforms.

  • Enhanced graphics are gorgeous
  • Updated controls and animations
  • Same memorable story and gameplay
  • No online co-op

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Remake is available now for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S. Game ZXC was provided a PS5 code for this review.