Broken Age Retail Release Nordic Games

Although the point and click adventure genre doesn't get as much love as it once used to, it has seen a renaissance as of late. Games like Jazzpunk and The Vanishing of Ethan Carter have done well to bring point-and-clicks to the forefront, but it's really Double Fine's Broken Age that has garnered most of the attention.

However, while praise for Broken Age's first act has been almost overwhelmingly positive, fans are still waiting for the arrival of the second act. On top of that, there is a large group of gamers (a.k.a. non PC users) who have yet to play Broken Age due to platform limitations.

Thankfully, that will soon change with the launch of Broken Age: The Complete Adventure on PS4 and Vita later this year. As the name suggests, The Complete Adventure will include both acts of Broken Age , but more importantly it will launch day and date with the second act on PC.

But wait there's more. Today, Double Fine Studios confirmed a partnership with Nordic Games to publish Broken Age on PC, Mac, and Linux in retail form. So those who may not have access to digital distribution platforms like Steam or Good Old Games – or who didn't back the game on Kickstarter – will have an opportunity to play the game as it was meant to be played, on mouse and keyboard.

Double Fine President Tim Schafer (Grim Fandango, Psychonauts) shared his enthusiasm for the retail release by saying that now gamers will have a copy that is free from the dangers of “solar flares” and “EMP bombs.”

"I am very excited about the retail version of Broken Age. And also relieved, as having a widely distributed, physical copy of the game will make it more safe from solar flares and EMP bombs and stuff like that. As long as people store their disks in fire proof safes. People do that, right?"

Although there might not be many gamers left who purchase retail copies of their PC games – outside of WoW expansions, maybe – it's nice to see Broken Age get publisher support regardless. To go from a Kickstarter funded project to a major retail product is a big deal, no matter how beloved the developer may be.

Also this announcement of a PC, Mac, and Linux release will draw questions regarding whether or not Xbox gamers might ever get an opportunity to play Broken Age at some point. We anticipate that if demand is high enough or if the PS4 version sells well enough then Double Fine might consider a port.

Will you pick up a retail version of Broken Age on PC? Do you think it will eventually come to Xbox?

Broken Age hits multiple platforms with Act 2 and the Complete Edition in April.


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