Announced at last year's Inside Xbox showcase, Bright Memory: Infinite looks to be an expansion on the ideas of developer FYQD's original Bright Memory, seeing players navigate a striking sci-fi world loaded with alternate universes, brutal katana-based melee combat, and giant, ancient monsters. It seems players are set to discover lots more about the game very soon, with FYQD announcing on Twitter that a new trailer is on the way.

The footage will premiere as part of GameSpot's upcoming Play For All showcase, which is slated to air on June 15 at 3:35 PM PT. It's sure to highlight more of the title's brutal combat, with the Bright Memory: Infinite Twitter account confirming it'll focus on the game's "latest levels and gameplay showcases." In the meantime, the studio has debuted four brand new screenshots, reaffirming that the game is looking to put the Xbox Series X's visual capabilities to the test.

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The first image is perhaps the most intriguing, offering players another look at Infinite's roster of towering monsters. In the shot, a heavily armored creature squares off against protagonist Shelia, with the intimidating foe seemingly wielding fire powers. The stand-off appears to sew the seeds for a dramatic boss fight, as torrential rain pours down on the player and their colossal enemy.

The second shot shows off more of the stunning environments players will discover throughout The Metropolis as well as the weapons they'll pick up throughout their travels, with Shelia wielding a cleaver. As was highlighted in Infinite's last batch of screenshots, the title's mix of futuristic technology and Chinese-inspired architecture appears to offer some particularly striking backdrops for combat, with the image highlighting the game's distinct world design.

The final two images are more action-focused, with the first seeing Shelia battle an enemy soldier on the wing of an airborne plane. It seems the craft is being pulled into a nearby black hole, with the protagonist and her foe being dragged along with it. As for the final shot, it's framed behind the wheel of a car, as Shelia appears to blow up another vehicle using a hood-mounted turret. It'll be interesting to see how prominent vehicles are in Infinite, especially as they've made several appearances in prior trailers and screenshots.

It's not long until players get to see plenty more of Bright Memory: Infinite, with many of their questions about FYQD's upcoming title surely being answered during next Tuesday's Play For All broadcast. While they wait, players can look forward to hearing plenty more Xbox-related news via Microsoft and Bethesda's E3 showcase, which is slated to take place on June 13.

Bright Memory: Infinite is slated to launch later this year on PC and Xbox Series X.

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