A bride has shared a funny image of herself playing Genshin Impact on the big day of her wedding. The dedication to Genshin Impact has been mirrored by other players as well, showing how important the game is to its fans.

Genshin Impact, like many other online gacha games, has a form of premium currency that can either be bought by exchanging for real world money, or by grinding certain missions and tasks. It's a slow and steady climb to earn premium currency in-game, and that's part of what makes it important to not miss the daily tasks available.

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This was the case during momo6548's wedding, and she shared an image of herself fully dressed for her ceremony while playing the game. According to momo6548, she wanted to be sure that she completed the dailies before her wedding began. Further in the comments, she explains that due to the nature of her wedding dress, physical movement was somewhat restricted, so sitting down and playing Genshin Impact was a perfect way to spend time (and likely reduce jitters) before the ceremony began.

Fans in the comments were quick to praise momo6548, congratulating her on the marriage while also commending her dedication to the game. Many expressed that they've gone through similar experiences with the title, with one bride expressing she also played Genshin Impact, while another user talked about playing Smash Bros with their best man in the final hours leading up to the wedding. Another suggested that if they'd been in attendance, they would have given the new couple gift cards to buy currency in the game.

Daily dedication to games like Genshin Impact, especially for those who don't want to spend money on Primogems, is a necessity, though some might skip it if they were having a big day like this. However, other players have shared similar photos in the past of themselves or their loved one playing Genshin Impact while waiting for the wedding to begin. Thankfully, dailies don't usually take too long to complete, though momo6548 mentioned that they didn't have time to use their resin.

Genshin Impact took the world by storm on release, and it hasn't shown any signs of slowing down yet. With new characters being added to the game all the time, there's usually a good reason to earn Primogems for every player. Once Genshin Impact finally comes out for the Switch, its popularity may increase even more, so it's likely this isn't the last photo fans will see of something like this.

Genshin Impact is available now for Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.

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