Fireblight Ganon can be a challenging boss for some in The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild. His attacks might be slower than other creatures you’ve faced, but when they connect you’ll feel it.

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To take down this fiery foe you’ll need to do some proper preparation before the fight and to implement certain tactics once you come toe to toe with him. If you find yourself having trouble with this aggressive aspect of Ganon, here are some tips you can use to give you an edge in battle.

10 The Gear You Want

Before confronting Ganon you want to have the right tools for the job. The best thing you can have is a full set of Flamebreaker armor as it’ll give you incredible resistance to fire based attacks which is primarily what he’ll be using.

You’ll also want a strong sword one-hand or two-handed depending on your preferences, Ice Arrows, and Remote Bombs. Make sure you don’t bring anything made out of wood as his fiery attacks will make short work of them.

9 Hide Underneath

The easiest way to handle this boss is to get up close and stay underneath him as much as possible. This makes it harder for him to unleash his more brutal attacks and he’ll have a harder time defending from what you’ll unleash from below.

You’re not immune to damage here, but you’ll notice yourself taking fewer and fewer hits. It’ll also let you get a feel for his attack patterns and get a few easy, but damaging hits in.

8 Use Pillars To Block Fireballs

If you haven’t managed to get underneath him yet or you prefer to do your damage with a strong bow instead of a sword you need to keep an eye out for his fireballs. These long range projectiles can really do some serious damage if you’re not careful and catch too many of them.

The best way to avoid these is to utilize the pillars around the arena. When you see a fireball incoming, quickly duck behind a column and it’ll implode harmlessly on the rock.

7 Block/Dodge Sword Attacks

Breath of the Wild Fireblight Ganon Attack

If you are using melee and he gets some distance on you be prepared for a few charging melee attacks. The easiest way to defend against these is to quickly raise your shield and his large fiery weapon will deflect harmlessly off of it.

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You could alternatively get a little gutsy and using a two-handed sword dodge the attack with a backflip to trigger a Flurry Attack. This is a great way to get a few hits in and makes the boss fight a lot shorter if you can time it right.

6 Keep Your Guard Up

If you’ve managed to get underneath him then you’ll want to raise your shield whenever you aren’t actively attacking him. This is because every now and then he’ll find the right angle and his sword will slash down at you.

If you’re unprepared for this you can catch a face full of his flaming sword and suffer serious damage. Just get in the habit of alternating defending and attacking and you should be fine.

5 Deflect Fireballs With Ice Arrows

When you’ve done enough damage, Ganon will float high in the air and begin phase two of the fight where he uses more ranged tactics. His fireballs will be much larger and much more damaging, to the point that pillars wont be enough to save you.

What you want to do is quickly switch to your bow and detonate the fireballs in mid flight with arrows. As an added bonus if you use Ice Arrows they’ll deal extra damage to Ganon if you want to fire a few arrows in his direction during the fight.

4 Don’t Attack The Yellow Shield

Periodically he’ll raise a large yellow shield around his entire body that makes him completely impervious to traditional forms of damage. You also can’t destroy the shield by firing arrows at it so save your ammo.

This is good time to consume a few items, take a step back and prepare for the massive incoming fireball by getting your bow ready to fire Ice Arrows.

3 Throw A Bomb Instead

If simply waiting for him to attack doesn’t sound appealing then what you can do is break his shield from the inside. When Ganon starts generating his yellow orb he sucks in everything around him like a giant vacuum.

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You can lob a well-aimed Remote Bomb into his orbit and he’ll suck it in, where it’ll start circling his body as he continues generating power for his attack. Detonate the bomb, and not only will the shield collapse, he’ll drop to the ground where he becomes vulnerable for you to get a few attacks in.

2 Keep Moving

After realizing the shield and large fireball strategy won't work he resorts to his tactics in phase one, albeit with much more aggression and more flames. In fact anywhere he moves in his wake will be a trail of fire.

At this point you can still try to fight underneath, but it’s much less effectively thanks to his trail of fire. You’re better off fighting at mid-range using either a bow or by darting in and out of range with your sword. Just remember he’s a lot more dangerous in this stage so stay frosty.

1 Use Fire Gusts To Glide

Gliding over the volcano in Breath of the Wild

While not necessary to take him down, you may notice that the trail of flames will produce a bit of an updraft. If you’re feeling up to it you can use these gusts to quickly glide around the arena.

This can be a great way to avoid some of his attacks or to stay out of range so you can continue to use your bow.  He’s not very fast on his feet and you can really move while gliding around. Just be sure to keep tabs on him and avoid any fireballs he may send your way as your coasting through the air.

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