A new mod for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild mashes together the kingdom of Hyrule with the galaxy’s greatest bounty hunter, Samus Aran.

Breath of the Wild is no stranger to mods. Even all the way back when the game was released in 2017, players were able to mod in things like Luigi as a playable character instead of Link. There have been plenty more mods since then, perhaps most famously one that lets players play as Zelda instead of Link.

RELATED: Breath of the Wild Player Posts Impressive Combat Clip While Modded to be Zelda

However, the new mod is much more substantial. Shared by MK on YouTube, this work in progress mod by Yainskofso from Gamebananna brings the world of Metroid to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild by letting players play as Samus. But that is not all, Yainskofso has also gone to great lengths to redesign several of Link's BOTW outfits to fit Samus and managed to get both Samus’ iconic Zero Suit and Varia Suit into the game as well. Link’s motorcycle from the Champions’ Ballad DLC has been entirely transformed into an adorable rideable mini version of Samus’ gunship.

Yainskofso also has changed a ton of the music in BOTW to familiar and fitting Metroid music, like Metroid boss Ridley’s battle music when taking down guardians and the music from Metroid Prime’s Phendrana Drifts when climbing Hyrule’s icy mountaintops. The same goes for sound effects like replacing all of Link’s indistinct grunting with Samus’ grunts from Smash Bros. and making Link’s paraglider chirp like a baby Metroid.

Hopefully, this magnificent mod will tide fans of both the Metroid and Zelda franchises over as they wait for more news on Prime 4 and Breath of the Wild2, respectively. Metroid Prime 4 is more than likely further out since Nintendo announced that production on the game was starting over, but this time with original Prime developer, Retro Studios.

Breath of the Wild 2, or whatever it will officially be called, on the other hand, seems like it will come out sooner, given that it is confirmed to be a direct sequel to the first and will be using some assets and possibly even all or part of the open world of the first game. But a recent earnings call with investors has led many to believe that the game will not be released until the second half of 2021 at the earliest.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is available now on Wii U and Switch.

MORE: Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2's Map Could Go Beyond The First Game's Limits