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Breath Of The Wild is a huge game, so tackling it in one save would be an enormous feat for the average person. As players progress through Breath Of The Wild, the question of saving is never addressed in-game. It can be hard for newer gamers or people just new to the Zelda franchise to figure out how to manually save the game. Here's a complete guide on how saving works in Breath Of The Wild.

How To Save In Breath Of The Wild

how to save botw

The save menu in Breath Of The Wild can be accessed through the system menu. To get to the system menu, players must hit the '+' button to access the inventory and then the 'R' button, which takes them to the system menu. From there, unless the player has just started, players must overwrite a previous save, which will typically be an autosave.

Are There Save Points In Breath Of The Wild?

autosave botw ingame

There are no specific save points in Breath Of The Wild, but there are certain actions Link can take that will automatically save the game:

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Additionally, the game will be autosaved every five minutes, so there's very little chance of the player ever losing significant progress.

Can Autosave Be Turned Off In Breath Of The Wild?

autosave botw

It's something that could be added to Tears of the Kingdom, but players looking to turn off autosave in Breath Of The Wild will be disappointed. However, while the autosave feature is quite frequent, manual saves will always be kept at the bottom of the save list, which means players that prefer to access manual saves can find them easily.

They're also handily labeled, so there's no chance of recovering the incorrect save. Autosaves will never overwrite a manual save, so regardless of how many autosaves occur after a manual save, the manual save will remain.

Saving In Master Mode

master mode save botw

Master Mode is a harder game mode added with the Breath Of The Wild: The Master Trials DLC. Saving the game in Master Mode is the same as saving the game regularly, but the player will notice that only two save slots are available, with in-game text saying that 'In Master Mode, you have two files of save data, including one autosave.'

Breath Of The Wild is available now on Nintendo Switch and Wii U.