In Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the absolute cutest characters in the game are the little forest folks that are called Koroks. These leaf-faced creatures are scattered all throughout Hyrule, and it's Link's responsibility to find all 900 of them. This is of course on top of all those side quests and saving the world from an all-powerful and evil darkness. No big deal, right?

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Koroks are cute, but they're also perfect meme material. They first debuted in Wind Waker, but their part in Breath of the Wild is much larger. Thanks to this, there's plenty of funny content for meme-making. This list of 10 Korok memes is sure to hit home with BOTW players everywhere.

10 Who's The Real Hero, Now?

zelda holding off ganon while link searches for korok meme
zelda holding off ganon while link searches for korok meme

Well, while Zelda exerts all of her energy keeping Ganon from infiltrating every corner of Hyrule, Link is lollygagging around searching for a whopping 900 Korok seeds. That's correct, this is an incredibly time-consuming quest that distracts Link from his main agenda — which is, obviously, destroying Ganon. While collecting these seeds has its perks, like inventory expansion and overall gratification, it's still not as important as saving the world.

This house fire meme pokes fun at the fact that Zelda should be depending on Link to save the day, yet he can't be bothered. She's pulling out all the stops while he's playing hide and seek with trees. No wonder the game isn't "The Legend of Link."

9 He Found It!

i found you korok meme in lost woods

While there are Koroks with Korok Seeds spread all throughout the land, their true home is in Korok Forest, which hides in the midst of the Great Hyrule Forest. These little creatures don't need to be found. They're already exactly where they need to be! While some Koroks in the forest still shy away from Link, many come right up to him, calling him "Mr. Hero."

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In fact, several of these little cuties actually help Link by selling him items and providing him with a place to sleep. Others introduce him to "Korok Trials." Overall, the Korok Forest inhabitants talk Link's ear off. There aren't any Korok seeds here, so don't expect to find any in Korok Forest.

8 The Diva Korok

the diva korok well you found me meme

This meme speaks for itself. There's not a whole lot to say other than the fact that this Korok has had enough of Link's garbage. The Korok's sassy stance and facial expression make this dialogue hilarious, despite its unlikelihood. It's a good thing that real Koroks stick to "ya-ha-ha, you found me!" If all Koroks spoke this way, Link wouldn't waste so much time looking for their seeds.

7 The Cowboy Meme: Ya-ha-ha!

the cowboy meme: when you find all 900 korok seeds

Speaking of that whole ya-ha-ha thing, this yeehaw meme is sure to make players chuckle. Finding the last Korok seed means no more uncovering hidden Koroks.

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Unlike releasing Dragons in Spyro the Dragon, Koroks don't really have anything to say. It's just the typical YA-HA-HA, YA FOUND ME response every time — and given how many times Link needs to hear it by the time he's done, this meme might just make for an appropriate response.

6 This Korok's On Fire!

korok on death mountain burning up meme

Most Zelda gamers know that in Breath of The Wild, wooden objects burst into flames when Link ventures into super hot territory. Players often wonder how the heck that Koroks survive these warm climates without also turning to ash. In this comic, the artist plays around with what should logically happen to these little creatures, and it's not pleasant.

This meme, along with many others, plays on the idea that in heated areas, Koroks spontaneously combust after being rescued. It's definitely funny at first, but it's also a little heartbreaking. Don't think on it for too long — it's probably best to chuckle and move on before some unsettling realizations set in.

5 The Supreme Korok

the only god up here is me korok meme

The Korok that floats around on top of Hyrule Castle cuts an imposing figure when you look at it through the correct lens. His face screams dominance, and his ability to climb such great heights proves that he's stronger than both Link and Ganon.

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Seriously, how the heck did he get up there? The only one who might be able to stop this little dude is Zelda herself. Thankfully, for now, this little Korok is still on the good side. Hopefully, Ganon won't ever recruit this fella. The world won't stand a chance.

4 The Zelda Fist Meme

the Zelda korok fist meme

The classic Arthur fist meme fits perfectly here. Someone decided to use Zelda's fist to comment on the long, tiring hunt for Korok seeds. Considering there's 900 scattered all over the whole dang world, it's quite disappointing when the highest, hardest to reach locales lack Koroks.

Don't give up yet, though. The reward for obtaining all 900 seeds is totally worth it. It's too bad that Link doesn't speak in this game in the American version. Seeing his reaction to the Korok Seed Quest reward would be beyond entertaining.

3 The Button Meme: Find All Seeds Or Give Up Forever

the button meme: find all korok seeds or give up on gaming

This is the truth of it. Finding all 900 Korok seeds is a daunting task. Not all Koroks hide under rocks — if only it were that simple. Instead, several seeds require puzzle completion and mysterious methods. It's not all sunshine and rainbows outside of Korok Forest. There's a lot of work to be done. It's not like these tiny beings are going to hide out in the open. Not with all those terrifyingly strong Lynels out there!

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This quest can be so daunting that players may want to give gaming up for good. Some people can't move on to another game without getting a 100% completion, so if that's the case, hang tight. It's going to be a long ride!

2 The Drake Meme: Korok Seeds Above All

korok drake meme

Again, this meme plays on the fact that Link has so many Korok seeds to retrieve, yet the world is at risk of ending. This classic Drake meme calls Link out on his poor prioritization pretty directly. Players don't have to complete the Korok seed quest before tackling Ganon, simple as. In fact, some players are wild enough to challenge Ganon from the game's start.

So, in short, a braver Link does exist. It just depends on what path he takes. Unlike most previous Zelda games, Breath of the Wild can be completed in random orders.

1 Rocks Without Koroks: Immeasurable Disappointment

top of the hill korok disappointment meme

There are tons upon tons of small rocks in Hyrule. This gets tricky since Koroks absolutely love to hide under lone small stones. It feels like there just must be a leaf-faced creature underneath every lone stone, but the sad reality is that it's hit and miss. Sometimes rocks just like to hang out on top of hills. Try not to get too excited — it's easy to get let down when searching for Koroks.

NEXT: The Legend Of Zelda: 10 Wind Waker Memes That Are Too Funny