In one of the most exciting mic drop moments of E3 2019, Nintendo closed its Direct presentation with the surprise reveal that development has started for a Breath of the Wild sequel. There was no official title or release window, but the short cinematic footage was enough to send fans of the open-world Switch launch title into a frenzy.

It will likely be a very long time before we learn any actual details about the in development title, but that's not stopping fans from speculating already. The appearance of both Link and Zelda in that ominous cavern already has Zelda fans daydreaming about both characters being playable. In addition to all of the fan speculation, a few choice quotes from producer Eiji Aonuma can give fans some more to think about.

During an E3 interview with IGN, Aonuma was asked what games the younger devs have been playing that may act as an influence on the upcoming Breath of the Wild sequel. It shouldn't come as a huge surprise to fans contemporary gaming that Red Dead Redemption 2 was near the top of the list.

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“[Something] I did hear that a lot of people were playing was Red Dead Redemption 2 ."

He then went on to elaborate on what open-world games influence the Zelda team as a whole and replied with one of the all-time greats... "When I was working on Breath of the Wild, the director [Hidemaro Fujibayashi] was playing Skyrim."

Although BotW is a very different game than Skyrim, it's definitely possible to see how its influence shines through in the finished product. A few years down the road, it will be very interesting to see if we can spot some areas of BotW 2 that may have been inspired by Red Dead Redemption 2.

Be sure to check back throughout the rest of the week for more E3 2019 leaks, news, and updates.

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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild sequel is currently in develpment and does not have an official title or release window.

Source: IGN