Bravery and Greed is a game that is in the roguelite genre of games - a player must keep on trucking through the forces that await them, dying continuously to gain more strength. What makes this game unique is that this is a dungeon brawler game with up to four players able to play.

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There are four classes in the game Bravery and Greed that a player can choose to use during their gameplay - however, not every class is made equally. There are classes that are stronger than the others, and some that will help a player improve.

4 Rogue

Bravery and Greed - Boss

The Rogue is a respectable class that players will enjoy if their play style tailors more towards being fast and stealthy. The main problem with the rogue, though, is that it is a character that is primarily known as a glass cannon - the attacks that it can use are great for dealing damage, but the rogue is terrible at defending itself against attacks from the enemy. Thus, it is usually good for a player who plays a rogue to stay in the back and work on dealing damage from there, as the rogue does have some really good ranged attacks.

While the rogue's defensive capabilities are lacking at best, it is also worth noting that it isn't completely defenseless. In fact, the rogue actually has a certain technique for stealth that will render them temporarily invincible for a few seconds - while this is not enough to fully mitigate its lack of defensive skills, it sure is better than nothing. As such, the rogue is a good choice for players who do not like to be in the front line and would instead rather stay in the back and shoot down their enemies from afar.

3 Warrior

Bravery and Greed - Fighting

The Warrior is a classic choice that any player can pick up and play - it is pretty much the "jack of all trades, master of none" when it comes to the game Bravery and Greed. The warrior has no ranged attacks whatsoever, but apart from that it is still a very good choice for a player who is new to the game; it mitigates the lack of ranged attacks by having very good melee attacks and a shield to boost its defensive capabilities.

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The warrior has boosted HP and defense, meaning that a player can tank a few hits without much worry about dying; the Warrior can act as the party's meat shield and have good damage output as well. There is nothing particularly special about the warrior, of course - however, for what it's worth, this character is a very well-rounded class that makes it easier for a player to hop into the game and get started fighting off their enemies.

2 Wizard

Bravery and Greed - Slashing

Although it is a class that is not really going to work well with beginner players (and instead will be a fine choice for more experienced players), the Wizard is still a very good choice of class for players of Bravery and Greed. Similarly to the Rogue, the Wizard's defensive abilities are pretty lacking, and as such, it would be best for players of the Wizard to stay in the back.

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However, the Wizard more than makes up for it when it comes to damage. The Wizard, as to be expected, can cast all sorts of spells with their Ki Staff - on top of their impressive long-range attacks, the Staff can also be used to batter enemies up close and personal, while also making shock waves that can actually knock enemy projectiles back and turn them around. Overall, the Wizard is a very strong class in Bravery and Greed, and very good for more experienced players to play.

1 Amazon

Bravery and Greed - Diving

While the Amazon actually has a relatively small skill set for a player to master, that does not mean the Amazon class is either simple or bad - quite the opposite, actually. The Amazon's skill set is relatively small compared to the other three classes, but it can be incredibly strong if it's in the hands of a skilled player. However, it is hard for new players to get a hang of the Amazon and how it plays, and as such, it is usually reserved for experienced players to use.

Something that is worth noting is that the signature skill of the Amazon - that being the Chakrams - is really difficult to master and perfect, but if used right it can be incredibly strong for a player to wield. Essentially, a player will be able to throw a projectile attack with great damage that then returns to the player after hitting its attack; the catch, however, is that the player will be injured by it if the chakram returns to them while facing away from it.

Bravery and Greed is available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows.

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