The Boruto series is a continuation of Naruto, set years after in an era of peace forged by the sacrifices of the shinobi during the Fourth Great Ninja War. The series follows the story of Boruto Uzumaki, Naruto's son, as he aims to fight his destiny and become a great ninja worthy of supporting the future Hokage. Over the years, Boruto has only grown in popularity and the story has gotten even deeper with time, adding further depth to the characters and even expanding upon the lore from the Naruto series.

With Kishimoto also working on the series, it is no surprise that Boruto has a grip over most of the Naruto fans who have, with time, come to appreciate the new protagonist quite a lot. Boruto Uzumaki's journey might not be filled with as many hardships as his father, but it is a journey worth witnessing nonetheless.

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Boruto's Journey So Far

Boruto Vanishing Rasengan

Although Boruto Uzumaki was described as a genius ninja, unlike his father in the old days, from the very beginning of the series, the story took a quick turn when he, of all people, was turned into a vessel for Momoshiki Otsutsuki. Playing a part in Momoshiki's fall, Boruto ended up bearing his tremendous power through Karma, however, this power came at a great cost. While the strength that it offered in times of need was, without a doubt, immense, it slowly extracted Momoshiki's data within Boruto's body, turning him more into an Otsutsuki with time. By the end of the process, Boruto Uzumaki would become a full-fledged Otsutsuki and allow Momoshiki Otsutsuki to resurrect once again with a perfect body capable of handling all his power.

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Quite clearly, this power of Boruto's is, in a way, comparable to that of Naruto Uzumaki, who had a monstrous fox inside of him as a kid. Just like Boruto, Naruto could access the Nine Tails' power, however, the price to pay was huge as the seal slowly started to weaken and Naruto even hurt all those around him. Evidently, Kishimoto is trying to set up something similar with Boruto Uzumaki having Momoshiki Otsutsuki sealed inside of him. As the series progressed, Momoshiki's influence on Boruto Uzumaki grew even further and he could take over his body completely, as seen when he fought against Boro of Kara and completely destroyed him in combat and later, stabbed Sasuke's Rinnegan as well.

With Katasuke's medication, Boruto was able to control the transformation to an extent, however, Momoshiki eventually overpowered him and threatened to kill everyone close to him once again. Surprisingly, however, when Kawaki killed Boruto, Momoshiki was forced to complete the Otsutsukification process and use only 82% of his data to do so, meaning in order to keep his soul intact, he had to sacrifice taking over Boruto's body.

What The Future Holds For Boruto Uzumaki


With the latest developments surrounding the Karma, Boruto Uzumaki is now a full-fledged Otsutsuki with about 82% of Momoshiki in his body. That said, however, Momoshiki cannot resurrect into his body anymore due to Boruto's untimely death forcing him to complete the process beforehand. This gives Boruto Uzumaki a power similar to Kawaki, meaning he can now control Momoshiki's powers much better than before and access stage 2 of the Karma seal without having to give up control over his body.

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In the fight against Code, Boruto demonstrated this ability of his for a short while before succumbing to the side effects of the medication that he took. As far as the story goes, Boruto now appears to be heading closer to the timeskip, with Boruto Uzumaki gaining more control over his powers now and already establishing himself among the strongest in the village, if not the strongest. Fans still know there is a lot to unravel in the story still as the prologue paints a clear picture of what the future holds for Boruto Uzumaki. Not only does Boruto grow up to inherit Sasuke's sword, headband, and cape, but he also inherits the Will of Fire of the Konoha shinobi. At the same time, he stands amidst a village that is utterly destroyed, and, by the looks of it, his relationship with Kawaki is fractured as well. The two find each other at opposing ends, destined to fight to ensure the safety of their loved ones.

Boruto's future is rather grim, as Momoshiki Otsutsuki said himself. Even though he recently died, according to Momoshiki, the future that he envisions for him is much worse compared to death. Eventually, he will lose everyone and everything that he holds dear. The Otsutsuki went on to state that the time for this event to pass is near, however, why and how exactly it will happen is something that even he can't see with his Byakugan. With the odds stacked up against him, Boruto Uzumaki has no choice but to dust himself off and fight destiny to protect everything dear to him and maintain the peace that his dad fought hard to establish in the past.

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