Following the events of the Fourth Great Ninja War, the world of shinobi underwent drastic changes and progressed to the point where using technology in everyday life was very common. As with almost everything else, shinobi tools received a major upgrade as well and by the era of the Boruto series, Scientific Ninja Tools came into existence.

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These tools are used widely by the shinobi villages and are considered to be a huge help for those who suffered in the war. At the same time, Kara, the evil organization in Boruto, also possesses some of the most incredible Scientific Ninja Tools.

8 Shinobi Kote

Ninja Tool Shinobi Kote

Shinobi Kote was the very first tool that was introduced to the fans in the Boruto series. Making its debut in Boruto: Naruto the Movie, these tools were shown to be able to use any jutsu sealed within a scroll ready to be expelled at any time.

For instance, a Rasengan stored within a scroll could easily be used by anyone without even learning how to knead chakra properly. Boruto Uzumaki made extensive use of these tools in the Chunin Exams and showed how powerful they can truly be.

7 Chakra Blade

Chakra Blade Boruto

The Chakra Blade is another powerful tool that was developed by Katasuke of Konohagakure, the man who heads the Scientific Research Team. As the name suggests, Chakra Blade uses the chakra of a person to create a bladeless katana.

The strength of the katana varies on the chakra level of the user and under a competent user, the Chakra Blade can be very powerful. While a great tool, it was still a prototype when introduced in the story, meaning its usability wasn't all that great. According to Katasuke, this tool drained a lot of chakra and was thus too taxing on the body.

6 Naruto Uzumaki's Prosthetic Hand

Naruto Chakra Absorption Tool

After the fight against Momoshiki Otsutsuki, Naruto Uzumaki asked Katasuke to develop a prosthetic hand that would allow him to absorb any form of ninjutsu similar to how Momoshiki Otsutsuki did it with his Rinnegan. As expected, Katasuke developed a prototype that worked perfectly and the Seventh Hokage got to test it in his sparring match with his son, Boruto Uzumaki.

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This tool, while already very powerful, remains under work even now as the expulsion of the jutsu absorbed hasn't been integrated into it yet. Once complete, it'll likely be one of the greatest shinobi tools in existence.

5 Microscopic Scientific Ninja Tools

Code White Karma

All members of Kara have microscopic scientific technology integrated within their bodies. While different members have different powers, something that they all share is the ability to transform their appendages for fighting purposes.

Delta was seen using this during her fight against the Seventh Hokage and she managed to injure him by stabbing his gut with this power. Kawaki is also a user of this power, as is Code, the current leader of the Kara organization. It goes without saying that this shinobi tool is extremely impressive and requires a very high understanding of the scientific ninja technology to create.

4 Delta's Chakra Absorption

Delta Chakra Absorption Tool

Delta is one of the Inners of the Kara organization, making her one of their strongest members. She showed the fans what she was truly capable of during her fight against Naruto Uzumaki. One of her powers that Naruto found quite difficult to deal with was her ability to absorb any sort of ninjutsu.

Any chakra that Naruto Uzumaki threw her way ended up being absorbed by her eye. At the same time, she could likely use this chakra to her own benefit. Unfortunately for Delta, Naruto's limitless supply of chakra meant that her tool got overpowered and eventually malfunctioned, rendering it useless.

3 Boro's Super Regeneration

Boro In Boruto

Another member of Kara, Boro also had his body augmented with scientific technology. While most members of Kara have a decent regeneration factor, Boro's case was quite special. His body had a core within it that allowed him to regenerate from any sort of damage that he took within a matter of seconds.

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As long as the core remained within his body, Boro was almost invincible. Even if his head blew off, he was able to regenerate within a matter of seconds. To defeat him, Team 7 had to rip his core out of his body and then take him down.

2 Boro's Dark Mist

Boro Scientific Ninja Tools

Boro appeared to be a shinobi from Kirigakure as he was quite skilled in the usage of the Dark Mist technique. Thanks to a scientific ninja tool that was implanted in his body, Boro could produce a virus and spread it around him using the Dark Mist Jutsu.

For his opponents, this spelled great trouble as whoever came into contact with the virus was immediately paralyzed. Boro himself was spared of its effects as he had antibodies against it in his bloodstream. Undoubtedly, this is one of the greatest scientific augmentations seen in the story.

1 Delta's Eye Beam

Delta Scientific Ninja Tools

Among the many scientific ninja tools within Delta's body, the laser beam installed in her eye was the strongest by far. This beam was quite powerful and thus burned a lot of her energy, however, just a single strike from it was enough to completely kill her opponents.

The beam was designed by Amado in a way that it could power through high regeneration factors such as that offered by Kurama as well. Had Naruto been hit by it, he would certainly have been in a very precarious situation.

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