
  • Shibai Otsutsuki is a powerful god-like entity in the world of Boruto, believed to be the strongest character to have ever existed.
  • He gained his immense power by consuming Chakra Fruits, becoming an unrivaled being who destroyed entire planets.
  • Shibai is considered the strongest Otsutsuki and is said to have ascended to the God Realm, possessing the ability to create storms, lightning, and wield the powerful eye technique known as Senrigan.

The world of Boruto has seen the introduction of several powerful gods of the Otsutsuki lineage over the years. These gods are incredibly strong and capable of wiping out planets with rather ease. Naruto opened up the gateway for the Otsutsuki beings and Boruto expanded on them greatly.

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Recently, Boruto introduced fans to a completely new Otsutsuki being whose powers are said to be truly frightening. This godly entity is none other than Shibai Otsutsuki. While a lot of thinsga bout him remain a mysteru, fans already know quite a lot.

Updated on November 1, 2023, by Rei Penber:Shibai Otsutsuki is one of the most powerful characters seen in the entirety of the Naruto franchise. He was introduced for the first time in Boruto and is believed to be the strongest character to have ever lived in this world. Although fans have not properly seen him in the story just yet, Shibai is believed to be exceptionally overpowered, possessing strength that cannot be matched by even a single character. Of course, Shibai has already been talked about extensively in this list, however, there are more bits of information about his powers that have now been revealed as Boruto continues. With that, this list has now been updated.

13 Consumed Charka Fruits

chakra fruits (1)

Shibai Otsutsuki is known to have existed a very long time ago in the world of Naruto. It is believed that he went from planet to planet in search of Chakra Fruits to consume them all. In the process, he ran these worlds dry and destroyed them completely. Shibai was able to gain a tremendous amount of power, such that he would eventually become an unrivaled being in the world of Naruto.

Shibai is said to have eaten these fruits over millennia. This was made possible by the method of Karmic regeneration, which the story has already explained earlier. Shibai resurrected several times and eventually, became an almighty being the likes of which couldn't be rivaled by anyone.

12 Strongest Otsutsuki

Momoshiki Otsutsuki Naruto

The Otsutsuki clan beings are known to be incredibly powerful. These beings hold tremendous strength and their powers are far above the likes of the Shinobi, as seen on the various occasions that the two groups clashed. Even among the Otsutsuki, there appears to be a hierarchy when it comes to strength.

Up until recently, Isshiki Otsutsuki appeared to be the one at the very top, however, now, it appears that the position has been taken over by Shibai Otsutsuki, who is, by far, the strongest of them all.

11 God Realm

Kahuya's Rinne Sharingan

Shibai is known to have existed a very long time ago, possibly even before the time of Kaguya Otsutsuki. As such, he's extremely old. Being an Otsutsuki, Shibai was an immortal being as he resurrected several times using the Karma seal. However, something that is unique to him is the fact that eventually, he is said to have ascended to the God Realm, leaving his mortal body behind.

If that is the case, then Shibai still exists in some shape or form in the world of Naruto, even without a body to belong to. While this is just a theory by Amado, Momoshiki, more or less, confirms it. Or, at the very least, he holds the same theory about the god that is Shibai Otsutsuki.

10 Shinjutsu User

Shibai Otsutsuki Shinjutsu

Shinjutsu is a completely new form of power that was recently introduced to the fans in Boruto. Just like ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu, Shinjutsu is known as a form of Jutsu, however, it is one that surpasses them all. In fact, it is believed that all other forms of Jutsu are mere imitations of it.

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Shinjutsu is the strongest form of Jutsu that only the godly beings of the Naruto world can use, such as the Otsutsuki. Shibai was the strongest Shinjutsu user and his techniques are what made him out to be a god.

9 Power To Deflect

Daemon in Boruto

Shibai Otsutsuki had many powers up his sleeve and one of the most incredible ones of them all is the ability to deflect anything and everything. Any form of attack, whether physical or spiritual is reflected back to the user automatically.

Even things such as evil intentions or malevolent behavior directed towards him would get reflected to that user. This power currently also belongs to Daemon, who was infused with the DNA of Shibai Otsutsuki by none other than Amado.

8 Create Storms

Shibai Otsutsuki Powers

It is believed that Shibai Otsutsuki was so powerful that he could easily create storms out of nowhere. Just by moving his hands and without even forming a single handseal, Shibai was able to create a powerful storm that could only be described as a force of nature or an act of God.

His powers were truly godly and nobody else could stand up to him in the entire universe, making him the ultimate form of life.

7 Create Lightning

Shibai Otsutsuki Karma

Just like he could create storms out of nowhere, Shibai could also do the same with lightning. It is believed that he held tremendous power, great enough to summon lightning without even weaving any handseals.

In fact, some believe that just his mere roar was powerful enough to create lightning, which just goes to show how mighty this being truly was. Undoubtedly, his lightning would be of the purest form and far above the mere imitation that Lightning Release is.

6 Senrigan

Boruto Chapter 72 Eida

If all his powers discussed so far weren't enough, Shibai also held the power of Senrigan. This eye is an extremely useful dojutsu and allows the user to read the thoughts of anyone, anywhere.

At the same time, it also allows the user to see into the past and observe every single event, along with being able to see everything everywhere in the present. Senrigan is an all-powerful eye and while it doesn't have much combat prowess, it is certainly a dangerous weapon in the hands of someone like Shibai. Currently, Eida is using this ability, thanks to Amado.

5 His Rivals

naruto Uzumaki six paths sage mode

All Otsutsuki Clan members are known to travel in pairs. Fans do not know who was the partner of this godly being known as Shibai just yet. However, regardless of that, his partner would certainly not have been any match for his incredible abilities. In terms of power, no character can showcase the same power as him and the closest anyone got to him is Naruto Uzumaki with his Baryon Mode.

Even that power wasn't all that significant as it could barely defeat Isshiki. Against the likes of Shibai, even Baryon Mode would prove to be insufficient. That said, it can be assumed that Shibai has no proper rivals, which is expected of a godly character such as himself.

4 His Future In Boruto

boruto uzumaki rasengan Uzuhiko boruto two blue vortex 4

Shibai has only recently been introduced in Boruto. Although it was made clear that Shibai is no longer among the common people, he could have a very profound role in the future of the series. This is because Shibai is a very strong personality who exists as a god at the moment.

Essentially, he is present everywhere and it would make sense for a godly being to be the final villain in Boruto. For now, fans only know a bit about him, however, with time, more information about him will be revealed and he could end up being the final villain in the entire story.

3 His Power Users

Eida strongest character after timeskip

Shibai possessed quite a lot of incredible powers and fans have already seen some of them being used, although by different characters. His abilities, as fans know, came to be known as Shinjitsu. These shinjutsu are currently being utilized by different characters that exist in the world of Boruto.

For instance, his ability to automatically reflect all attacks, including ill intent, towards him is being used by Daemon. This power is but a portion of what he was capable of and it makes Daemon incredibly overpowered. One shudders at the thought of how strong Shibai would have been with this and all the other abilities that he possesses. Another ability that he possessed was the Senrigan, and this incredible eye granted him the powers of clairvoyance. Currently, this ability is being used by Ada, who fans are very familiar with at this point. His strongest ability was Omnipotence and this power is also being used by Ada at the moment and it is the strongest ability to ever exist in the entire Naruto franchise.

2 Omnipotence


Omnipotence is a very dangerous ability to exist in the Naruto world. Essentially, this power can allow the user to do anything. With the usage of Omnipotence, the user can bring their deepest desires to life and turn them into a reality, no matter how unrealistic they are. This power is currently being used by Ada and she has already utilized it on several occasions.

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Most recently, she used this power to bring Kawaki's innermost desires to life. Kawaki ended up switching lives with Boruto Uzumaki and the memories of the entire world were altered to compensate for that. The world started seeing Boruto as the orphan who was taken in by Konoha while Kawaki was seen as the natural-born son of Naruto Uzumaki and the young lord. This is just a fraction of the power that Shibai possesses and, even though it is currently being used by Ada, Shibai most likely has access to it as well.

1 Godly Being

Senrigan Eida Boruto

All in all, Shibai is simply a god in the Boruto world who cannot be competed with, at least at the moment. His powers are way too immense for anyone to fight against and the arsenal of techniques that he possesses simply cannot be competed with. It goes without saying that this character would make a fantastic villain in Boruto, however, at the same time, it would also give the author quite a head-scratcher as there is simply no way anyone can defeat a character as strong as him.

Perhaps, this is why he was simply made into a god and just his abilities passed around mortals such as Damon and Ada. That said, the lore of this character isn't over just yet and fans should expect more for him in the future. MORE: Naruto: Why Is The Shadow Clone Jutsu A Forbidden Technique?