Boruto: Naruto Next Generations is currently enjoying its peak as a story and, recently, the manga entered a short hiatus of 4 months after reaching the conclusion of its first part. Towards the end of the last chapter, Borutowas set for the timeskip, which has already happened and will likely conclude with the next chapter of the series. All the characters in Boruto will now train to get stronger and this is exciting for both the characters and the fans alike.

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Boruto Uzumaki will no longer be a child when he returns and the likes of Sarada and Mitsuki will grow much stronger when they return as well. Of course, with strong characters come strong villains as well and this only means that the post-timeskip of Boruto will be even more dangerous and the stakes will be all the higher. One of the most interesting things about Boruto's post-timeskip is the treatment of Naruto and Sasuke and, if things are handled properly, fans could see them return to their peak in the second half of the story.

Naruto's Fate In Boruto

naruto uzumaki (4)

Naruto Uzumaki was living his dream in Boruto, that is, until the Otsuttsuki started making their move. Being the 7th Hokage and the strongest Shinobi in the world, the responsibility fell directly upon his shoulders and he lived up to his reputation by taking them all on in combat whenever he could. While the likes of Momoshiki and Kinshiki didn't prove to be as much trouble, Isshiki was a different ball game altogether. He managed to defeat both Naruto and Sasuke together and in order to overcome him, Naruto had to sacrifice a big part of himself.

He tapped into the powers of Baryon Mode, and using this power, he ended up sacrificing Kurama, which was the Tailed Beast sealed within him. Baryon Mode certainly did give him enough power to overwhelm Isshiki and, eventually, play a massive role in his demise, however, the cost of this was steep. Naruto was severely weakened, to the point where he needed protection from the likes of Kawaki and Boruto against future villains. Naruto is no longer the strongest in the series and his weakness is what led Kawaki to eventually seal him away. Essentially, Kawaki did not want any harm to come to him, especially from those of the Otsutsuki. So, until he kills Boruto Uzumaki and the other Otsutsuki, Naruto is to remain sealed.

Sasuke's Fate In Boruto

Sasuke boruto chapter 80 (1)

While not as cruel as Naruto's, Sasuke's fate in Boruto has also been somewhat sad. Sasuke started Boruto as an equal to Naruto Uzumaki and the strongest Shinobi alive. He played a massive role in the fight against the Otsutsuki clan and even tracked them down actively. Sasuke fought against Momoshiki and, later on, against Isshiki as well. However, where Naruto was given a shining highlight with the Baryon Mode, Sasuke was not. Yet, he ended up losing his powers all the same. Sasuke ended up losing his Rinnegan when Boruto, who was under the possession of Momoshiki, stabbed his eye. Just like Naruto, Sasuke became a shell of his former self and he could not contend against the strongest of enemies anymore.

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While Sasuke did not need protection like Naruto, he was still quite weaker than what he was before. Yet, Sasuke did not face a cruel fate like Naruto. Instead, he set out on a journey with Boruto Uzumaki in an attempt to get stronger. This journey is that of the timeskip and will last for around 4 years.

Naruto And Sasuke's Return To Power

Naruto catches Sasuke in his arms

Once the timeskip of Boruto concludes, Sasuke Uchiha will return with Boruto Uzumaki and, he will do so having become a completely different man. 4 years is quite a long time for Sasuke and Boruto to train. While the vast majority of the focus will, of course, be thrown on Boruto Uzumaki's growth, Sasuke is not one to sit by idly and grow weaker. Fans know him to be a determined character who would do anything to fight off the threat that his family faces, especially when his friend, Naruto Uzumaki, is in danger. Fans should rest assured that Sasuke would be doing all he can to grow stronger and that means the Sasuke that fans will see after the timeskip will be in a different league entirely, compared to the Sasuke that they are used to seeing right now.

Meanwhile, Naruto Uzumaki remains sealed yet, that is not always going to be his fate. If Naruto is freed from his prison, it would mean that he will take an active part in the fight against the future Otsutsuki clan members. They are certainly powerful forces in the world of Boruto that need to be taken down and Boruto Uzumaki certainly cannot do it alone. This would require Naruto to step up his game as well and, if Sasuke has grown stronger during the timeskip, Naruto will, undoubtedly, catch up. How he's going to do this is not known at this point in time, however, it is possible that Ada's Omnipotence would have something to do with it as she can rewrite history and return Naruto's powers to him. Even if she doesn't, Naruto is more than capable of training and growing stronger by himself and fans know the 7th Hokage to always risk his life in an attempt to gain the power necessary to protect his family.

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