Sarada Uchiha, a chunin-level shinobi from the Uchiha clan in the Village of the Hidden Leaf, is one of the underrated characters in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations. Sarada was single-handedly raised by her mother, Uchiha Sakura, due to the absence of her father, Uchiha Sasuke.

During the early parts of the show, when she first meets her father, she becomes emotionally troubled, one of the main factors that lead to the awakening of her Sharingan, an exclusive power possessed by members of the Uchiha clan. However, Naruto Uzumaki, Konohagakure's Seventh Hokage, plays a key role in helping Sarada overcome her struggles.

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Who is Sarada?

Sarada and Boruto smiling together

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations portrayed Sarada to resemble her father, Uchiha Sasuke, who has a looming dark past closely connected with the history of the Village of the Hidden Leaf. She was sullen and unfriendly, with the lofty goal of becoming Hokage. Naruto also claimed that Sarada is similar to her mother, Sakura, who is "fearful" when infuriated. A perfect illustration is shown when Sarada is assigned to Team Konohamaru, a team including Boruto whom she isn’t on great terms with at an early point in the series. Even Chōchō, Sarada’s closest friend, revealed that Sarada has a very dark side, which surfaces when she faces problems. Despite Sarada’s resemblance to Sasuke, she sometimes displays different emotions ranging from laughing to even blushing, emotions absent in the constantly cold Sasuke.

How Has Sarada Changed In Boruto?

Sarada Using Her Sharingan

Sarada has changed in more ways than one in Boruto, mostly due to the influence of Uzumaki Naruto. In the early parts of the anime, Sarada spent a lot of time with Naruto, learning from him in the process. Sarada is aware that Naruto is friends with her father. This might have been one of her reasons for hanging around Naruto; to get closer to her dad by hearing stories about him from his friend. Sarada notices how Naruto treats the citizens of Konoha, and the sparks something deep within her. Soon she sets a goal for herself; to become Hokage.

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Sarada's relationship with her mother, Sakura, was also a bit rocky at some point. As a growing child, she constantly questioned her mother on Sasuke's reason for not staying home. Sakura does her best to answer her curious daughter by providing partial answers, not wanting to reveal Sasuke's dark past, which he was constantly atoning for. The constant gaps in Sakura's answers cause Sarada to suspect that her mother is lying to her, which leads Sarada to the assumption that Sakura isn't her real mother. However, she overcomes these negative feelings, and this strengthens her relationship with her mother.

Sarada’s reconciliation with her mother is one of her major character growth in the series. Sarada’s dislike for medical ninjutsu was also evident in Boruto. This was probably due to her linking her mother’s deceitfulness to the profession of medical ninjutsu. However, this changes later in the anime. In Boruto, every genin team needs a medical ninja that can handle any possible injuries that occur during missions. Consequently, Team 7, Sarada's team needed one, and she appeared to be the best man for the job since she possesses strong chakra abilities like her mother. Setting aside her negative feelings, Sarada decides to be her team's medical ninja, reflecting her maturity growth.

Is Sarada Proficient at Using Her Sharingan?

Sarada Uchiha - Boruto As Zodiac Signs

Another visible way Sarada changes is in her abilities. At first, she could only perform general ninjutsu and the fireball: fire style jutsu, exclusive to the Uchihas. However, she becomes excited at the prospect of meeting Sasuke, her father, whom she has no memory of. The Sharingan, an ability possessed by the Uchihas, is closely linked to their emotional state. In other words, it can trigger its awakening and even make it more powerful. The Sharingan is an ocular ability that allows its user to see the jutsu their opponents use, counter them or even copy them, depending on the situation.

As a result of her contact with Sasuke, Sarada awakens her Sharingan, which signifies a boost in her abilities as a shinobi-in-training. However, Sarada unlocking her Sharingan abilities was merely a starting point for her in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations. The Sharingan is a skill that taxes the user's body and requires constant concentration to use in battle, making it difficult to master. So, at first, Sarada could not use her Sharingan for long periods. However, her constant use of the ability pays off, and she soon becomes able to use it for longer periods while fighting – proof of growth in her abilities.

Sarada’s relationship with Boruto also changed in the series. As explained earlier, Sarada was Boruto's friend, but they weren't on good terms. This was probably due to Boruto not recognizing the true worth of the closely-knit family he has, and Sarada lacks. She viewed him as an idiot that constantly caused trouble for everyone. However, as they grew older, Sarada realized that they were similar because they bought had "father issues." After this realization, they became closer, supporting each other and growing as Shinobis.

Lastly, one of the biggest changes in Sarada in the series is her finally forgiving her father and accepting his apologies. Despite being hurt by him, she decided to look past that and work towards growing a better relationship with her father, Sasuke.

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