With the continuation of the Naruto Franchise in the form of Boruto, several new characters have entered the scene and replaced their previous-generation counterparts. While some have proven to be much stronger than their predecessors, others are yet to prove their worth and strength. Such is the case of the new Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, who ascended to power through questionable means, yet the fact that each one could wield these immensely powerful swords speaks to some volume of their strength.

The previous Ninja Swordsmen were so strong that they were rumored to be able to take down an entire nation. With a legacy such as that, it's quite difficult for anyone to succeed them and wield these mystical blades, yet the new generation earnestly took on the title, believing that they truly match the powers of their predecessors. However, comparing the new Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist with their previous counterparts reveals how strong they actually are.

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Who Are the Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist?

Seven Mist Blades

As the name suggests, the Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist are the Hidden Mist Village’s strongest sword wielders, and are considered only second to the Mizukage in terms of strength and power. Each one boasts a mystical Mist Blade that is granted to the users by the Mizukage, with the practice being in place since the formation of the Hidden Mist. Despite the group’s prestige and position in the village, most of the Ninja Swordsmen either became missing-nin, ended up dead, or joined enemy organizations, tarnishing the name of the revered Swordsmen of the Mist.

Since most of the Ninja Swordsmen had taken their blades with them, the Hidden Mist lost possession of all of them, except for the blade Hiramekarei which was wielded by Chojuro, the Sixth Mizukage. However, the missing blades were finally returned to the Hidden Mist after the Fourth Great Ninja War, where the Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist were reanimated by Kabuto. Once the war was over, the mystical blades were safely stored in a vault in the Hidden Mist, which is also how the next generation of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist got their hands on them.

The New Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist

Seven Ninja Swordsmen

The new Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist achieved their title illicitly, as they stole the swords from the vault with the help of Kagura, the Fourth Mizukage’s grandson. The new group wanted to reform the Hidden Mist Village and initiate a coup d'état, essentially overthrowing the Sixth Mizukage and returning the village to the era of the Bloody Mist. Since Kagura was an aide to the Mizukage and already had one of the Seven Mist Blades, he was given access to the other six blades in order to keep them secure. However, Shizuma, the group’s leader, was able to manipulate Kagura into joining their cause for a revolution.

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With Kagura among their ranks, the new Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist were able to gain access to the Mist Blades, and had plans to start a revolution by destroying the Hidden Mist’s Memorial Park. Being able to wield the blades meant the swordsmen already possessed a decent amount of strength, yet the Mist Blades further exacerbated their strength and power. However, soon after initiating the plan of destroying the memorial park, they were stopped by Chojuro, who was accompanied by Sarada and Boruto. This fight revealed how strong the new Ninja Swordsmen truly are, and the results were not quite what most had hoped for.

The New Ninja Swordsmen’s Strength

Sarada vs Buntan

The battle between the New Ninja Swordsmen and Chojuro, along with Boruto and Sarada, revealed their strength, and while they initially seemed to be a promising bunch, their overall power couldn’t match up to the previous generation of swordsmen. Chojuro alone was able to take on four of the seven swordsmen, while Sarada handled Buntan Kurosuki, the group’s fiercest fighter. Boruto, on the other hand, tried convincing Kagura to come to his senses and give up on their obscure plan. Although, in the beginning, it seemed that their powers were comparable to their predecessors, it was soon made obvious that this was nowhere near the case.

Overall, only Shizuma and Buntan were the only ones who actually knew what they were doing with the Mist Blades, while the rest were simply delusional Chunin that let the Mist Blades’ power get to their heads, while they themselves had no experience in Kenjutsu. The fact that Chojuro was able to defeat three of the swordsmen with a broken blade proved that experience in the art of Kenjutsu triumphs over simply wielding the Mist Blades. All in all, the new self-proclaimed Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist were simply imposters that were in no way comparable to the original swordsmen, as they were deemed as a group of ragtag kids after being stopped by Chojuro and two Genin.

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