While most anime series tend to incorporate new elements into the series to keep the plot moving, the Naruto Franchise took this concept to a whole new level, introducing an entirely new alien race into the scene. With Kaguya's appearance at the end of Shippuden, many assumed that a power ceiling had been established, yet the Boruto series kept on breaking this limit.

Currently, the main focus of the Boruto series lies on the Otsutsuki Clan and it's many members, all bearing the same goal of undoing Kaguya's failure. The alien race has been expanded so much that eleven Otsutsuki members have been revealed, with more expected to be introduced in the series. The series has slowly yet steadily revealed much about this god-like clan, and piecing this information together can unveil their goals and motives, along with their otherworldly origins.

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The Origins of the Otsutsuki Clan

Shibai Otsutsuki

Despite the series revealing in-depth details about the Otsutsuki, one detail that has been constantly left out is of their origins. While it has constantly been reiterated that the clan members travel in pairs between different dimensions to plant God trees, it has never exactly been mentioned where they originated from, and what prompted them to take on such an arduous task.

Kishimoto might reveal more information about their origins further on in the series, yet for now, piecing together the available information can add up to some speculations. Since the Otsutsuki have been traveling through dimensions for millennia past, it's more than likely that they no longer have any sort of home planet or dimension. Whether it eroded over time or simply never existed, there’s no way to know for sure, however, it has been established that they no longer have any place to return to, as they continue moving forward with the goal of attaining godhood.

The Otsutsuki's Motives

God Tree Otsutsuki

The Otsutsuki are a race of alien species that travel through time and space, exploring different galaxies and planets. Once a suitable host planet is found, they implant a Ten-Tails seed into the planet's core, which eventually sprouts into the God Tree, a chakra absorbing tree that is capable of leaving the entire planet devoid of chakra. Once the tree absorbs enough chakra, the divine fruit sprouts, granting anyone who consumes it with god-like powers. With the goal of consuming as many divine fruits as possible, the Otsutsuki aim to become stronger than Gods, eventually leaving their physical bodies and joining the realm of Gods.

RELATED:Naruto: Was Introducing The Otsutsuki Clan Kishimoto's Mistake?

However, the process takes place over millennia, and finding suitable planets is no simple feat either. Therefore, the Otsutsuki travel in pairs, with one member much stronger than the other. The lower ranking Otsutsuki serves as the sacrifice for the God Tree, as one of the prerequisites for the divine fruit to bloom is the chakra of an Otsutsuki Clan member. Since members of this otherworldly clan are immortal, the sacrificed Otsutsuki doesn't exactly die, as they can leave their soul in a vessel known as Kama, and after a prolonged period, the fallen member is revived to serve the Otsutsuki's purpose once more.

Members of the Otsutsuki Clan

Otsutsuki members

Eleven members of the Otsutsuki Clan have been revealed so far, with the latest one being Shibai Otsutsuki, presumably the leader of this unearthly clan. In the Shippuden series, Hagomoro, more commonly known as the Sage of Six Paths, was the first Otsutsuki to be revealed, with his sons, Asura and Indra Otsutsuki introduced after him. However, the series became quite complex after this moment, especially with Kaguya Otsutsuki entering the scene. Kaguya came to the planet with the same goal as any other Otsutuki – stealing all the chakra and attaining unfathomable powers.

However, Kaguya was simply the sacrifice, and her partner, Isshiki Otsutsuki, was supposed to eat the divine fruit. In a bid to protect the planet, Kaguya tricked Isshiki and used him as the sacrifice instead, betraying the Otsutsuki altogether. Once she ate the divine fruit, Kaguya became corrupted with power, forcing her twin sons, Hagomoro and Hamura to seal their maddened mother away. Hagomoro and his sons remained on Earth and gave birth to what the series now calls ninjutsu, while Hamura departed to the moon in order to keep watch on the Gedo Statue sealed there. The rest of the members of this clan were revealed in the Boruto series, with Toneri Otsutsuki being introduced in The Last: Naruto the Movie as one of Hamura’s descendents from the moon.

Upon hearing the news of Kaguya’s betrayal, the rest of the Otsutsuki attempted to do what Kaguya failed at. Kinshiki and Momoshiki were the first to make an appearance, with Urashiki later on joining the cause. However, all three of them were defeated by the combined efforts of Naruto, Sasuke, and Boruto, albeit barely. Lastly, Shibai Otsutsuki is the latest member of the clan to be introduced in the series, with the goal of avenging his fallen clan members and ending the existence of this planet once and for all. Even with all the Otsutsuki defeated, their role in the Boruto series is far from over, especially considering they can revive themselves with their Kama.

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