
  • Konohamaru would have been a better option for Hokage than Shikamaru. He has the potential and strength for the position.
  • Kakashi could have easily solved the problem of electing a new Hokage. He is young, experienced, and smarter than Shikamaru.
  • Tsunade, despite her age, would have been a much better fit as Hokage than Shikamaru. Her incredible jutsu and experience make her a powerful leader.

Boruto Part 2 has officially begun and a lot of things have changed since Part 1 concluded and the three-year timeskip of the series began. One of the biggest changes that almost every fan was expecting was in the leadership of the village. with Naruto Uzumaki having been sealed away, it was only a matter of time before a new Hokage was elected.

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In Boruto Part 2 chapter 1, it was confirmed that the new Hokage of the village was none other than Shikamaru Nara. While Shikamaru is a decent person for this position, he is not someone at the power level of a Hokage nor does he inspire like every other Hokage had. There are definitely characters who would have been better suited to this position than Shikamaru in Boruto.

5 Konohamaru Sarutobi

Konohamaru boruto

Although this might be an unpopular opinion, Konohamaru would actually have been a better option for Hokage than Shikamaru. For one, fans know that he has what it takes to be the Hokage. He will, in the future, take this position for himself, and the fact that he is currently the assistant to Shikamaru all but confirms that. Given that a 3-year time skip took place between the end of Boruto Part 1 and the beginning of Part 2, Konohamaru could have strengthened his skill tremendously over this time.

Even if he did not do that, he is still much stronger than Shikamaru, who fans know isn't all that strong to begin with. Shikamaru is a great thinker and a wonderful advisor and that is the position that suits him well. However, leadership is not his strongest asset. If Konoha did not have anyone else to turn to, Konohamaru would have been a much better option.

4 Kakashi Hatake

Kakashi Hatake Without Sharingan

The problem of electing a new Hokage would have easily been solved if Kakashi was made the Hokage of the village once again. Kakashi is still young and, given that the likes of Tsunade took the job at a similar age, Kakashi could have easily done this job. The biggest advantage that he would have had going for himself is the fact that he has already held this position once. He is the Sixth Hokage of the village and, if Konoha needed help, Kakashi should certainly have taken this position for himself.

He is much stronger than Shikamaru and he is also much smarter than him. It would also have been very similar to how Hiruzen once returned to take the position of Hokage after Minato died. Why Kakashi did not become the Hokage once again when the village needed him so much is something that the fans are very interested in knowing. Whether they will get an answer to that or not remains to be seen.

3 Tsunade Senju

Tsunade Using Mitotic Regeneration Against Madara In Naruto

Tsunade might be old but her incredible jutsu still makes a powerful character. She has been seen in Boruto on a few occasions and it is safe to say that she has done well to take care of herself. She has already taken over the position of Hokage at a late point in her life once. She could certainly have done it again. At the end of the day, when taking into consideration how weak Shikamaru is, Tsunade would definitely have been a much better option.

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Shikamaru is best suited to the position of advisor and he should have stayed there. Furthermore, his hardline policies do not inspire anyone and that is a key quality that a Hokage should have. Tsunade would have been a much better fit in this case.

2 Sasuke Uchiha

Sasuke and Naruto

Sasuke Uchiha is the person who would have been the likeliest candidate for this position in normal circumstances. However, sadly, Sasuke had to leave the village with Boruto Uzumaki. This prevented him from becoming the 8th Hokage of the village. At one point, becoming the Hokage was the dream that he had. He wanted his own revolution and even though he came back on the right path, becoming the Hokage for him would still have been a great experience.

He could have been the first Uchiha Hokage, but now, that is not possible. Regardless, he would have been a much better Hokage than Shikamaru. Sasuke knows when to be cold and calculating, and when to be soft and understanding. He also has the strength to back up the title of Hokage, which is something that Shikamaru certainly lacks.

1 Sakura Haruno

Iconic March Anime Characters- Sakura Haruno

Quite easily, the very best candidate for Hokage in Boruto Part 2 was Sakura Haruno. Fans know that Sakura is an incredibly powerful ninja. She is someone who stood shoulder to shoulder with the likes of Naruto and Sasuke at one point in the Fourth Great Ninja War. Ever since then, she has only continued to improve her skills even further and reached greater heights.

She has surpassed even Tsunade as a ninja and, overall, she is a phenomenal personality. Sakura has all the qualities of being a great Hokage. She has the right temperament for this position and enough strength to back it up. Why she was not considered for this position is extremely confusing to the fans. By all means, she would have been a much better Hokage than Shikamaru.

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