Borderlands 3 just recently finished its second season pass of post-launch DLC with the release of its new Director's Cut DLC. Recently, however, rumors have been circulating that a new Borderlands spin-off title is in development.

The rumor circulating had little information but claimed that the spin-off would be revealed and would only be co-developed by developer Gearbox Software. It would not be the first time that a Borderlands title was led by a different studio, as both Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel and Tales from the Borderlands only had some involvement from Gearbox. However, Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford has come out to clarify that those rumors are patently false.

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His statement came via his official Twitter account, where Pitchford put it in pretty plain terms. In the tweet, Pitchford states that Gearbox is the lead developer of all future Borderlands titles with no co-development. Interestingly, however, the tweet also mentions that Gearbox is the sole developer of any "Borderlands adjacent games" as well, and doesn't state that a spin-off isn't being worked on. With how many fans felt that Borderlands 3's most recent DLC set up what was coming next, many fans have begun speculating that a new Borderlands title will still make an appearance at E3, but fully developed by Gearbox.

The original rumor, however, had very little details as far as what the game could possibly look like, so if there is another Borderlands title in the works there is no clue as to what fans could expect. However, if a new Borderlands title is released it would be much quicker than other entries in the series have thus far.

Fans had to wait five years between Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel and Borderlands 3, and a game getting revealed now would mean fans would likely only had to wait for two or three years for this new entry. There is a Borderlands movie in production currently, however, so it may be that Gearbox is ramping up Borderlands production to try and capitalize on the IP as much as possible.

Regardless of whether or not a Borderlands spin-off title will be announced at next month's E3, it is likely that the popular series will receive another entry sooner or later. Not only does the Borderlands series have a large base of dedicated fans, but Borderlands 3 was well-received critically and reportedly met Gearbox's sales expectations, so it would make sense that the company would want to continue the series. Hopefully, Borderlands fans will get some news on what is next now that the second season pass has concluded, and it's good to know that any possible future entries are in Gearbox's hands.

Borderlands 3 is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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