
  • Gearbox Entertainment is hiring for game design positions, including one focused on an open world experience, hinting at a potential open world game being in development.
  • The job listing suggests that Gearbox Software is actively working on multiple games, but does not confirm that Borderlands 4 is in production. Whether this open-world game is part of a new or existing franchise is unknown.

Borderlands parent company Gearbox Entertainment is currently hiring a variety of game design roles, including one position that specifically requests experience with open worlds. In spite of recent rumors that developer Gearbox Software may be getting sold off, the studio is actively working on a number of games, with this particular job listing suggesting that a potential open world game may be in the works.

An award-winning video game company, Gearbox Entertainment is comprised of two subsidiary studios, Gearbox Software, a developer, and the aptly-named publisher Gearbox Publishing. Gearbox Entertainment has released a number of titles, such as Aliens: Colonial Marines and Battleborn, but is best-known as the creator of the Borderlands franchise. Gearbox Software is confirmed to be working on multiple games, and new job postings may hint at which projects are in development.

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According to a recent Gearbox Entertainment job listing on the employment site LinkedIn, the company is currently looking to hire a full-time Senior Level Designer with experience building open worlds. While the studio's Borderlands video game franchise is somewhat open in terms of environmental design, the games feature various maps and do not truly fit the description of open world. As such, a fully open world game by Gearbox Studios may sound interesting to fans of the developer. The newly shared position is described as a development role tasked with creating richly imagined worlds for players to enjoy. Details on the expectations and duties of the job include:

  • Familiarity with Unreal Engine, with a preference for shipped Unreal 4 experience in the AAA space.
  • A firm grasp of modern FPS level design techniques.
  • Experience building open worlds, co-op games, or online games.
  • Deep understanding of modern AAA action games and production practices.
  • Work as part of a Worldbuilding team that combines level designers, level artists, mission designers, and lighting artists.
  • Assist leads with designing and building major pieces of content.
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While the posting does not explicitly state whether the role will involve working on an existing franchise or a new IP, the emphasis on open world design experience does give a strong indication of the type of game being made. It is worth noting that Gearbox is currently working on numerous untitled games, so this job listing is not necessarily an indicator that Borderlands 4 is in production, nor does it suggest Borderlands 4 will be open world. However, developers' LinkedIn pages have confirmed game production details at other studios, so interested fans may want to keep an eye out on the profiles of new-hires at Gearbox.

Fans can often utilize job listings to get an idea of what video game companies are working on, though there are rarely any obvious confirmations on the projects being developed. Major AAA game leaks have become surprisingly more common in recent years, which may explain why studios keep details vague on hiring posts. For fans of Gearbox, this simple job posting should certainly spark some curiosity.


Borderlands is an action RPG first-person shooter created by Gearbox Software and published by 2K Games. The series is commonly called a looter shooter set in a space Western style, where players can select from multiple classes that can level up and acquire new skills. The franchise has quickly become one of the best-selling franchises and produced spin-offs like Tales from the Borderlands as well as a film adaptation being developed by Lionsgate.