
  • Level 72 has become a tradition in the Borderlands franchise as the maximum player level in most mainline games, offering a satisfying cutoff point for players.
  • Skill trees in later Borderlands games feature Capstone skills that provide significant upgrades, and reaching a couple of these skills is achievable at level 72.
  • A max level lower than 72 would contradict the gameplay style of Borderlands, where difficulty and loot quality increase through additional playthroughs, making level cap increases crucial for experiencing the full potential of each Vault Hunter.

The max level in the original Borderlands game may not have been 72, but this number is still considered to be a tradition for the max level of the later games in the franchise. Specifically, this has been the maximum level for every mainline game in the Borderlands franchise released after the original game, except for a surprise expansion that eventually raised the cap to 80 in Borderlands 2.

Throughout the Borderlands franchise, the maximum player level has seen many different limits, with it being frequently raised upon the release of new expansions for each Borderlands game. While none of the games have started with a max level of 72, most of the games have ended up there. This tradition is highly expected to be continued for future games in the Borderlands franchise, given how special of a number it has become.

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Level 72 Is the Perfect Balance for the Borderlands Franchise Gamesborderlands the handsome collection box art

The skill trees from the recent Borderlands games have what's known as Capstone skills, which offer major upgrades compared to most other standard-type skills. Because of their powerful nature, these skills are only available after serious investment in individual skill trees, and they are often the main reason that players choose a particular skill tree over another. At level 72 in the later Borderlands games, players can unlock two or sometimes three separate Capstone skills. While level 72 won’t allow players to max out every skill tree, reaching a couple of Capstone skills is still a satisfying cut-off point.

The max level in the original Borderlands game is only 69, even after being raised in some of the expansions. Due to the skill trees in the original Borderlands game being fairly short, players could effectively hit the Capstone skills of all three available skill trees for each of the Vault Hunter playable characters with a few skill points left to spare. With the successors to the original game featuring larger skill trees, it’s only natural that Borderlands’ maximum player level also reflects an increase. It just so happens that the balancing of each Borderlands game works out to be the same maximum number from then on, of 72, which can be interpreted as a sign that Gearbox has perfected its craft with this sweet spot.

With a max level any lower than 72, players might be able to reach it during one playthrough if they are thorough enough, but this is counterintuitive to the way that the Borderlands games are encouraged to be played. Not only does the difficulty climb as players enter additional playthroughs or Mayhem modes in the Borderlands games, but it also significantly increases the quality of loot. Consequently, some of the best weapons in the franchise can become much more powerful when acquired on additional playthroughs. Beyond earning better gear, these additional playthroughs are generally where players would have an easier time reaching the maximum level, given the up-scaled experience points brought on by the increased difficulty.

As expansions for the Borderlands games come out and simultaneously raise the level cap, this gives players more ways to get stronger in addition to the exclusive loot introduced in the expansions. Whether players are jumping into the expansions as they become released or end up playing the games after everything is already available, playing Borderlands with all the level cap increases is the best way to see the true potential of each Vault Hunter in the Borderlands franchise. The increased level caps are even considered a redeeming quality for some of the expansions that have lackluster story content or loot.

Aside from how it's become a tradition, level 72 is a generous max level because it allows players to create insanely strong builds in the Borderlands games. Given how this number has turned into a recurring feature, chances are it will continue to have an impact on the mainline games and spin-offs in the Borderlands franchise.

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