There is no shortage of humor throughout the Borderlands franchise. In fact, its jokes are one of the things the game is known for. It's certainly an aspect in which the FPS franchise doesn't disappoint, either. With its colorful cast of characters with strong personalities, witty dialogue, and interesting quests, it is certain to leave an impression on anyone who plays.

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Almost every other line is some sort of joke or reference in Borderlands. This has left fans with a myriad of moments to remember. The series has a good mixture of lowkey puns and iconic jokes which run on for a while. Many of them also happen to be easter eggs too. These examples are only the tip of the iceberg.

This list contains spoilers for all of the installments in the Borderlands franchise.

10 The Sellout Gun

Borderlands Sellout big yellow writing with pistol

The "Sellout" gun is a legendary pistol in Borderlands 3 which players can obtain from the "Sellout" mission. This gun talks. And it definitely says…a lot. It's voiced by the game's main antagonist, Tyreen, who uses any opportunity to hurl insults at the character while they use this gun. The gun even tells the enemies to attack while the character reloads.

The method of obtaining this pistol is quite hilarious too. In the side quest to obtain this weapon, the player must trap themselves in a death machine while Tyreen is recording, for the purpose of views. Once the character dies and respawns, therefore successfully selling out, Tyreen rewards the player with the gun.

9 Porta Prison

Borderlands Porta Prison Mission Portable Toilet In Game

"Porter Prison" is а side mission in Borderlands 3 in which the quest giver, Trashmouth, is stuck inside a portable toilet. As the name of the quest suggests, the portable toilet is actually a prison, and the player's goal is to get Trashmouth out of the toilet prison.

If this insane quest description isn't enough, then the ending is sure to be astounding. Trashmouth does get out, but judging by how it happens, he likely wishes he'd just stayed. There is so much buildup in the portable toilet that it ends up shooting off into the sky, never to be seen again.

8 Top Gun Easter Egg

Borderlands Top Gun Reference Quest and NPC

During the "Too Close for Missiles" side quest in Borderlands 2 players may find themselves bombarded with references to the Top Gun series. In this quest, practically every line of dialogue and every action is a reference of some sort - and it is all hilarious, especially for fans of the Top Gun movies.

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This quest uses many iconic quotes from the original film series. Many fans easily notice the similarities when playing through the quest. Due to that typical Borderlands charm, the entire quest and the NPCs involved are brilliantly funny.

7 The Fake Ending Of Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3 Fake Ending Screen To Be Continued in 4

After an epic boss battle that results in the death of Troy, Ava gets siren powers and all seems well. That is of course until Tyreen wakes up and seemingly crushes the protagonists to death with boulders. And then…it just cuts out. Players are left with a message which suggests the story will continue in Borderlands 4, leading them into believing they've left the game on a massive cliffhanger.

Patience really is a virtue, because once the initial shock settles and enough time has passed the game starts counting backward from four. It turns out it was just an intermission all along! Needless to say, this prank from the team at Gearbox was incredible.

6 Psychos Who Rickroll You

borderlands the handsome collection box art

One thing for which Borderlands is known is the funny lines the enemies say when dying. Gems such as "Jokes on you, I'm in massive debt!" and "I just paid off my house!" are just two examples of the many things players can hear when killing enemies throughout the games.

Perhaps the funniest death quote is when the Psychos in Borderlands 2 choose to rickroll the player as their last words. Their final words are "Never gonna give you up." This is just another incredible troll from Gearbox themselves, and it is hilarious to hear in-game.

5 Innuendobot 5000

Borderlands 2 Innuendobot 5000 Preacher with priest hat

This is exactly what it sounds like. Innuendobot 5000 is a robot NPC, unsurprisingly programmed by Moxxi, for the purposes of hosting tournaments and making innuendos. Every line of dialogue by this NPC is some sort of innuendo, and it definitely isn't subtle either.

This NPC appears in Borderlands 2, as well as the Mad Moxxi and the Wedding Day Massacre DLC. And every innuendo it makes is likely to get a smile or even a chuckle from players. Fans of the series seem to love him too.

4 Anything Tiny Tina Ever Says

Tiny Tina - Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

Tiny Tina is one of the best characters in the Borderlands franchise This fan-favorite pyromaniac brings so much character and humor anytime she appears in the games. She is so well-loved that she has her own spin-off, which she definitely deserves.

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Tiny Tina has so many funny moments and lines of dialogue within the series that it's near impossible to choose one. Some gems from her include "Climb the pipe to the train, or you'll go insane wut wut. That's a rap song I wrote," as well as a moment where she opens a door by exploding the surrounding wall.

3 Face McShooty

Face McShooty begging to be shot in Borderlands 2

Face McShooty is an NPC with a dream he is determined to fulfill. He wants the player to shoot him, in the face. He sort of just stands there, shouting at anyone who will listen to shoot him in the face. Shoot him anywhere else, and he gets angry. Using melee damage or a grenade doesn't work either.

After completing his side quest, and shooting him in the face as he requests, he shows gratitude before dying. What's the point of all this? Nothing, really, but it is quite funny. And players can't feel bad either because it's exactly what he wanted.

2 Claptrap Explaining Humor

Claptrap Borderlands 3

Usually explaining a joke takes all the fun out of it. In this case, the explanation is the joke. During a quest in an ice cave, Claptrap makes a pun, telling the player to "chill out." This by itself isn't all that funny, but to Claptrap it is the height of comedy. So after receiving no laughter at his joke, he assumes that the player doesn't know what humor is, and begins explaining it.

All of this results in a funny bit of dialogue as Claptrap grows increasingly agitated at the lack of laughter at his joke. It is pure comedy gold, and it is certain to get laughter from some gamers, especially when playing through the quest for the first time.

1 Butt Stallion


This iconic character is one of the funniest ongoing jokes of the Borderlands franchise. Butt Stallion is a pony literally made out of diamonds with two unicorn horns. This was originally just a display of wealth by Handsome Jack. This character has become so popular it even has its own Funko Pop!

Despite being a pony made of diamonds, Butt Stallion has a lot of personality. After Handsome Jack's death, she becomes so depressed she turns into a statue, only to come back in DLC content. The name alone is enough to elicit a few chuckles.

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