
  • Atlas weapons were absent from Borderlands 2 and Borderlands the Pre-Sequel due to being put out of business by Hyperion.
  • In Borderlands 3, Atlas has new ownership and rebranded its weapons with a signature feature.
  • Unique Atlas weapons from the original Borderlands games still stand out, along with one-of-a-kind weapons in Borderlands 3.

After appearing in the original Borderlands, Atlas weapons didn’t show up again until Borderlands 3, meaning their weapons are absent from Borderlands 2 and Borderlands the Pre-Sequel. The first Tales From the Borderlands game reveals that Atlas was put out of business by Hyperion, another weapons manufacturer in the Borderlands franchise.

By the time Borderlands 3 takes place in the Borderlands franchise, Atlas has taken on new ownership and completely rebranded its weaponry with a signature feature unlike anything else on the market. This was a huge change for Atlas’ brand of weapons, considering that Atlas weapons in the original Borderlands weren’t very distinguished from other common weapon types before this point. A couple of unique Atlas weapons from the original Borderlands games still stand out among others, while plenty of their newer weapons from Borderlands 3 are one-of-a-kind.

The Best Tediore Weapons in Borderlands History

While most of the Tediore weapons in Borderlands aren’t very efficient due to their ammo consumption, a few standout guns make up for this.

Atlas’ Strongest Weapons throughout the Borderlands Franchise

Atlas Replay

Like all of Atlas’ pistol-rocket hybrid weapons, the Atlas Replay is able to deal extreme explosive splash damage with incredible ammo efficiency. This weapon also comes with a barrage of homing tracker darts that will increase the weapon’s fire rate for each marked enemy. Using the alternative firing mode for this weapon is where its true power comes from since it can massively increase this weapon’s DPS.


This legendary revolver from the original Borderlands innately deals Explosive damage, but each shot also has a chance to deal Corrosive, Incendiary, or Shock damage. Explosive weapons that aren’t rocket launchers are a bit of a spectacle in the original Borderlands game since they are relatively rare, so this weapon’s ability to deal Explosive damage on top of every other Elemental damage type truly makes it universally effective.

Kyros’ Power

Among sniper rifles in the original Borderlands game, Kyros’ Power generally does above-average damage due to its chance of dealing Explosive damage. This weapon will also passively heal the wielder for a small amount when they deal damage, which combined with its explosive damage makes this sniper one of the most unique weapons from the original Borderlands.


The Multi-Tap is a legendary pistol that shoots two rockets for every bullet fired, while only costing one unit of ammo. Not to mention, it also comes with a tracking grenade that temporarily makes its rockets automatically target marked enemies when fired. What makes the Multi-Tap so effective is that it utilizes pistol ammo despite behaving as a rocket launcher, so overall it’s a great crowd-control weapon with amazing ammo efficiency.


The Ogre is a recurring weapon that has been redesigned by several different weapon manufacturers in the Borderlands franchise. The Atlas-brand Ogre doesn’t shoot rocket projectiles like the Torgue and Vladof remakes of this weapon, but since it still retains its Explosive damage, the Atlas version has much better accuracy and recoil that makes it much easier to use.

O.P.Q. System

The main appeal of the O.P.Q. System is the weapon’s ability to summon itself as a drone that hovers near the player and autonomously fires at nearby enemies. This gun is considered one of the best weapons for Zane in Borderlands 3, since players can equip this weapon to themselves and their doppelganger and both summon an O.P.Q. drone for a total of four O.P.Q. Systems on the field at a given time.

Ruby’s Wrath

Ruby’s Wrath is a rocket launcher that comes with its own singularity effect, so even players who aren’t playing as Borderlands’ vault hunters who specialize in Explosive damage can still get plenty of use out of this weapon’s utility. Not to mention, any of the rockets fired while a singularity is on the field will automatically home in on the affected enemies, so overall it’s a great weapon for crowd control.