Handsome Jack’s impact on the Borderlands franchise is undeniable. He has topped many best video game villains lists, and for good reason, as the other characters of the Borderlands franchise are still recovering from his crimes years after they took place. While he was terrifying, his humor was also unmatched, as the existence of Butt Stallion can be attributed to a quick joke from the self-obsessed Hyperion higher-up. His story is also tragic, as indicated by Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel and Tales From the Borderlands, ensuring he has plenty of depth. However, topping Handsome Jack will not be Borderlands 4’s primary villain challenge.

While it is true that any villain Gearbox comes up with will inevitably be compared to Handsome Jack - and likely be criticized heavily when they cannot reach those lofty heights - simply coming up with a fresh concept for an antagonist is going to be difficult. Too often, Borderlands has relied on using its gun corporations as antagonists, and doing so again in Borderlands 4 could lead to a repetitive story that players feel they have seen time and time again. Unfortunately, the alternatives also come with downsides.

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Borderlands 4 is Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place With Its Villain

Borderlands 4 Wish List Psycho

Not only was the beloved Handsome Jack closely associated with Hyperion, making the company and its loaders prevalent throughout Borderlands 2 and Borderlands 3’s Handsome Jackpot DLC, but this is also not the only time that a weapon manufacturer has been an antagonist. Players faced off against rogue groups of Dahl’s military in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel and the Commander Lilith DLC for Borderlands 2, and just last year, New Tales From the Borderlands positioned Tediore as the main threat.

To be fair, it is understandable why Gearbox has returned to this storytelling formula time and time again. Just like what is shown in Borderlands 3 with Maliwan, these weapon makers having their own private armies gives players a wide variety of regular enemies to battle between boss encounters. In a game like Borderlands where mobbing is a large chunk of the gameplay, this is crucial, so pitting Vault Hunters against a dangerous CEO is a safe option. However, with Borderlands doing this time and time again, going with another corrupt company in Borderlands 4 feels too predictable.

The next place to look for a villain would be Borderlands’ iconic psychos, but Borderlands 3 ensures that going this route would be repetitive as well. The Calypso Twins utilize an army made of psychos, with a majority of the main quests pitting players against the Cult of the Vault. As such, though their iconic is so recognizable that psychos have always been used for the main games’ cover art, they should take a back seat in Borderlands 4.

The final option, and the most likely scenario if Gearbox finally explores The Watcher’s War, is a faction of Guardians. Battling the Eridians’ creations in Vaults is always a good time, as their shield-focused health bars and unique abilities make them stand out from other enemies. However, there is no telling if Guardians would work as a primary antagonist, as they may be better in small doses. As otherworldly alien beings, they are a lot harder to relate to, and though mysterious characters like The Seer are intriguing, they will always lack the charisma of someone like Handsome Jack or even the Calypsos.

Unfortunately, unless Gearbox can come up with an entirely new villain faction, it feels like Borderlands 4 will struggle to deliver an antagonist that works on all fronts. At the time, Handsome Jack and Hyperion were a fresh concept, but the villainous gun corporation shtick has grown tired from overuse. Psychos were used heavily too recently as well, and Guardians lack the over-the-top personality that Borderlands is known for. Hopefully, Gearbox can surprise players with a memorable antagonist in the next game, as all the obvious options would likely fall flat.

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