Warning: Spoilers ahead for the Borderlands series.Borderlands is Gearbox Software's flagship franchise, and it has been going strong for 15 years. Since its start in 2009, the series has become one of the most popular looter-shooters, with its signature brand and blend of futuristic sci-fi, fast-paced co-op FPS action, absurd humor, and tons of weapons to equip in the fight against various nefarious forces that threaten the populace of the planet of Pandora and its galaxy. But beneath all the piles of guns, cartoonishly corrupt corporations, and groups of deranged bandits, Borderlands has a deeper story packed with emotionally engaging moments alongside its comedic inclusions and engaging gameplay loop.

One of the most interesting components of the series is its Sirens. Sirens in Borderlands are cosmically powerful individuals, manifesting almost magic-like abilities, thought to have inherited these from or be connected in some way to the ancient and enigmatic Eridian race, whose traces and impact on the universe also form a large part of the overarching arc. As it built its setting and expanded on how these characters fit into the overall plot, Borderlands gave only brief hints and glimpses regarding their greater role. After three mainline titles and a number of spin-offs, Sirens still remain mostly a mystery. Given the events of BL3, though, it's high time for the next entry to provide more firm answers about them.

Though it has yet to be officially confirmed, Borderlands 4 is widely assumed to be in production.

Borderlands 4 Might Bring Back Lilith, But Should It?

Lilith is one of the most iconic Borderlands mascots, and BL4 could see her return, but it would have to be handled carefully.

Borderlands 4 Should Spill the Beans on Sirens

The Lore of Sirens in Borderlands

Confirmed Sirens that have appeared so far:

  • Lilith
  • Amara
  • Maya
  • Ava
  • Patricia Tannis
  • Angel
  • Nyriad
  • Troy and Tyreen Calypso
  • Commandant Steele

Excepting Troy's extenuating circumstance, all of Borderlands' Sirens are known to be female. It was explained that, being twins joined at birth, Troy was a sort of symbiotic parasite to Tyreen, and essentially had to rely on siphoning power from her to sustain his own. At times, it seems the Sirens themselves may not fully understand every aspect of their capabilities, or at least haven't been able to describe exactly their nature, and the true extent of their powers has only been hinted at and talked about in often vague terms, sometimes in contradictory ways. Their powers, which among others include teleportation, limited mind control, and gravity manipulation, aren't always exactly the same either, but share some general similarities.

Sirens can pass their powers to a successor of their choosing, or if they perish without an inheritor, a random person seems to acquire them. It was also previously thought that only six Sirens existed at any one time in the universe. But later, the Siren Nyriad, who lived during the time of the Eridians, revealed through teachings and warnings to future generations that there is an unknown seventh lurking in the shadows, and that this one is extremely dangerous and must not be sought out or found.

Borderlands 4 Is Already Set Up to More Fully Explain Sirens

At the conclusion of the latest title, Lilith, The Crimson Raiders leader and resident Siren, saved Pandora from a world-ending catastrophe brought on by the Calypso Twins. She awakened a previously unseen ability, transforming into the phoenix-like "Firehawk," and apparently sacrificing herself in the process. However, later DLC revealed that Lilith may have survived this, and is now lost or perhaps trapped somewhere between worlds.

Borderlands 4, therefore, seems almost obliged to flesh out much more of its Siren lore. While keeping what is certainly one of its more intriguing aspects largely hidden does create a sense of awe and suspense, there eventually comes a point where additional information must be given to advance the story and keep audiences engaged. BL4 could be framed around the search for Lilith, as other characters discover more about the origins of Sirens and their full range of powers. Alternatively, the possibility of the mythical seventh Siren appearing as a threat could also provide an avenue to enlighten the cast and players further. Either way, Gearbox would do well to answer at least a few questions that still surround Sirens in the next game.