Borderlands 3 struck an interesting balance between a live service title and a traditional looter shooter, with free content updates, expansions, and events being delivered for the game. Though the updates led to some interesting Takedown missions, and the expansions were very strong like they were in previous Borderlands titles, it was the events that were the biggest surprise. Only three events were made available, but they managed to give players fresh experiences and exciting loot to chase for.

While Broken Hearts Day was unfortunately limited to some heart enemy types and cosmetic unlocks, Bloody Harvest and Revenge of the Cartels were significant pieces of content. Each came with some unique enemies that would occasionally appear when playing through other Borderlands 3 content, and some cosmetics that could be acquired through challenges. They also offered unique missions with a proper boss battle, map, and loot to chase for. With these events being so much fun, it would be a mistake to not bring them back in the next Borderlands game.

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What Borderlands 3’s Events Can Teach Borderlands 4’s

First and foremost, Gearbox should look toward Revenge of the Cartels when crafting some hypothetical Borderlands 4 events. This event had everything, from great enemy variety due to the different gangs and mini bosses to a fun puzzle that let players earn extra loot on every run. Villa Ultraviolet was a gorgeous map that looked nothing like Borderlands 3’s other locations, and the catchy track that accompanied players’ slides into the arena was one of the best pieces of music in the entire game. As if that was not enough, Joey Ultraviolet was a truly enjoyable boss battle, providing a proper challenge for players to get through.

Though the Terror weapons of Bloody Harvest were unique, and made battles with Captain Haunt worthwhile, Revenge of the Cartels also had incredible loot that pushed players to grind for certain weapons. The O.P.Q. System was the very best Assault Rifle in the game for a time, and it was accompanied by the laughably overpowered Yellowcake launcher. Though both were eventually patched so that they did not dominate every other gun in the game, it only makes sense to add quality gear to limited time events. This way, players have a reason to keep coming back and running through the seasonal content.

Ultimately, though Bloody Harvest was strong, and Broken Hearts Day had some cute Valentine’s cosmetics, Revenge of the Cartels’ event format should be followed almost exactly. The event was so strong that most Borderlands 3 players likely would not have complained if it was paid content, serving as a small DLC like the Headhunter Packs from Borderlands 2. From the music and level design to the loot and enemy variety, Revenge of the Cartels should be a major inspiration for Borderlands 4.

New Seasonal Events That Could Come To Borderlands 4


Speaking of Borderlands 2’s Headhunter Packs, Gearbox could look to these DLCs to craft a few more seasonal events. For instance, the lack of a Mercenary Day Event was truly strange, as How Marcus Saved Mercenary Day was a truly charming piece of content for Borderlands 2. The in-universe equivalent of Christmas saw players battling a giant snowman and getting some free weapons as presents, and it is easy to imagine some green and red skins that can be acquired from challenges. A Thanksgiving-themed event that brings back the Wattle Gobbler would also be fun.

For fully new concepts, Gearbox could take inspiration from Blizzard’s Overwatch and its Lunar New Year Event, something that would surely allow for unique enemies to fight and fun loot to gather. Ultimately, though Takedowns were divisive and many missed having traditional raid bosses, free content was still a huge strength of Borderlands 3. If Gearbox wants the next Borderlands game to thrive as a live service title that players enjoy year-round, more free updates are a must, and well-made seasonal events offer an excellent starting point.

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