The Borderlands franchise is one of the most creative video game series out there, and its vast selection of unique weapons has helped it to stand out for well over a decade now. Along with a vast range of different weapon types such as snipers, repeaters, assault rifles, and rocket launchers, Borderlands also categorized its weapons by manufacturer type, with each in-universe gunsmith having its own unique set of weapon traits. But while the Borderlands franchise certainly has no shortage of guns, there's always room for more, and Borderlands 4 could finally bring back a fan-favorite company from the first game.

As of Borderlands 3, there are a total of 12 different weapon manufacturers in the series. While fans are sure to have their favorites, there are a few that are undeniably better than the rest. Tediore is one of Borderlands' most iconic weapon companies, offering the fastest reload speed for the cheapest price. Maliwan offers complete elemental destruction. And Torque gives weapons explosive ammunition. But with all these excellent options, fans have forgotten about one of Borderlands' most interesting weapon manufacturers: S&S Munitions.

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Borderlands 4 Should Bring Back S&S Munitions

Zer0 sniping Borderlands 2 profile shot with sunset

Founded by the S&S brothers, Borderlands' S&S Munitions filled a pretty big niche in the original game's weapon ecosystem. The primary gimmick behind all of S&S Munitions' weapons is that they all have extended magazines, boasting much more ammo than even the largest clips of any other weapon manufacturer in the game. For those that aren't too keen on reloading mid-battle, then S&S Munitions was the way to go, and thankfully, the company offered quite a range of products.

Players can find a plethora of S&S weapons littered throughout Pandora, with their sleek black and yellow color scheme making them stand out from the crowd. Along with higher capacity magazines, these S&S weapons also offered slightly increased damage, and much deeper tech pools than the rest of its competition. S&S offered quite a diverse selection of weapons, covering assault shotguns, machine guns, machine pistols, repeaters, and semi-auto sniper rifles, ensuring that players always had plenty of freedom when choosing an S&S weapon.

In the original Borderlands, a handful of S&S weapons were also given the legendary weapon rank, being some of the best in the entire game. The Draco is one such weapon, being one of Borderlands' most powerful combat rifles, with a special x2-x4 incendiary elemental chance. The Thanatos machine pistol is another stand out with a monstrously large magazine size that essentially turns it into an even more portable SMG. The Gemini is a repeater pistol that fires bursts of two projectiles at once, essentially doubling the standard repeater pistol's damage output. The S&S Crux is one of the most overpowered weapons in Borderlands, offering a big magazine as well as a fast reload, explosive ammo, and a huge upwards cross spread guaranteed to decimate all in its path. Finally, the Orion is S&S' legendary sniper rifle, complete with shock rounds that separate into three projectiles when ricocheted against a surface or target.

As of Borderlands 3's release, it's currently unclear what happened to S&S Munitions. It's never officially stated that the company went out of business, but fans haven't been able to use an S&S weapon since the first game, implying that something's happened to the manufacturer. Hopefully, this in-universe reason is just that the company no longer sells to the settings fans visited in Borderlands 2 and 3, which would still leave room for a Borderlands 4 to bring S&S Munitions back.

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