
  • Gearbox may reveal Borderlands 4 soon, potentially honoring five years since BL3.
  • The reveal may happen on the Tuesday after the current social media story recap videos cover all main games in the series.
  • Fans can mark February 27, March 5, or March 12 on their calendars for possible big announcements.

Borderlands fans have been waiting for a while for the reveal of a new game in the series, as Borderlands 3 came out in 2019 and expanded the franchise's universe by a substantial amount, allowing players to explore planets other than Pandora for the first time ever. As it stands, Borderlands 4 can be either a regular Borderlands game or it can be something else entirely, considering that Gearbox experimented quite a lot with Tiny Tina's Wonderlands recently and there are also story reasons for a new game to be an MMO. While there is nothing concrete about Borderlands 4 out there just yet, Gearbox's recent activity suggests a full reveal of the game is imminent - and it could be in just a few weeks.

Borderlands 3 set a high bar to clear with its depth and gameplay being the best the series has seen so far, but there is a chance Borderlands 4 will try and go above and beyond those expectations with everything Gearbox may have learned from BL3 and Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. The Borderlands universe is much bigger now, and Borderlands 4's Vault Hunters, settings, and even its villain could all use it to their advantage. All of this could be revealed very soon, as hinted by Gearbox's social media posts.

Borderlands 4's Siren is in a Lose-Lose Situation

Borderlands 4 is likely to introduce a new Siren character, but it may be out of options after the events of Borderlands 3.

Why Borderlands 4's Reveal Date May Be Very Soon

Borderlands 4 Could be Revealed As Soon As February 27

Borderlands 4's release date may be far off in the future, with anywhere between 2025 and 2027 being reasonable predictions, but fans may get to see a glimpse of it as soon as February 27. Starting February 6 and following it up on February 13, Gearbox shared a "The story so far" video for Borderlands and Borderlands 2, which will most likely continue as a weekly series until it includes Borderlands 3. In between Borderlands 2 and 3, Gearbox may end up dedicating a week to Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel and Tales From The Borderlands.

If the next video is a story recap for Borderlands 3, then it seems likely that a Borderlands 4 reveal may happen in the week following that, meaning February 27. If Gearbox does have a story recap for either Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel or Tales From The Borderlands, then a BL4 reveal could happen on March 5, whereas if there's a recap for both it may be pushed back to March 12. This is quickly becoming a pattern, and with five years between now and BL3, it may be about time players do get to see what's next for the franchise.

How Borderlands Story Recaps Hint at Borderlands 4's Upcoming Reveal

February 27, March 5, or March 12 Could be Big Days For Borderlands Fans

One could argue that Gearbox may end up including Tiny Tina's Wonderlands too, but it's a spin-off game with very little Borderlands-related story. On the other hand, skipping Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel may mean Gearbox is trying to move away from the long-anticipated Watcher's War, which was never followed up on aside from Borderlands 3's Director Cut DLC having The Seer as a boss battle. The Watcher and The Seer were introduced together in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, and if there is a story recap for this middle-ground game it may mean they're about to get their due in BL4.

Either way, there are currently three very likely possibilities for a Borderlands 4 reveal date. They are as follows:

  • Tuesday, February 27
  • Tuesday, March 5
  • Tuesday, March 12

It wouldn't make much sense for Gearbox to be building hype and momentum with weekly story recaps and not follow through with a big announcement, especially seeing how Borderlands 4 was leaked a while ago and nothing official ever came from that. There is a chance all this social media Borderlands fuss leads to nothing, but it's very slim considering that a story recap is mostly associated with releasing new content to follow up on it.