While Borderlands 4 may still be a fair bit away, plenty of fans have shared their hopes for the sequel. Requests have been made for an increased focus on Tediore and Vladof, updates on The Watcher, and some lore for Zer0 and FL4K. While it is unclear what topics the game will focus on beyond the search for Lilith, one thing it is guaranteed to feature is a new cast of playable Vault Hunters.

Going by past entries in the Borderlands series, fans can expect a Soldier-like character to be in the lineup alongside a Siren and two wild cards. The Siren is always a particularly interesting role, as Gearbox has consistently used this class to introduce a new ability to gamers. While the studio could continue this trend in Borderlands 4, or give gamers access to Phaseleech since Tyreen is dead, it would be interesting to see Ava in a playable role.

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Why Ava Would Work as a Playable Vault Hunter

ava in borderlands 3's directors cut

Though Gearbox would obviously not want players taking control of a child, as there could be controversy around someone that is Ava’s age being shot and killed, skipping forward in time could be a solution. From a narrative perspective, this would allow Gearbox to fast-forward through years of failed searches for Lilith, getting right to the exciting moment where she is found. More importantly, it would allow the studio to age Ava up, making her more likable and the perfect age for a playable character.

Players know that Maya has passed down her Siren ability to Ava, meaning that Ava will likely be seen using Phaselock consistently in the next Borderlands game. While players were already able to use this ability in Borderlands 2’s gameplay, as Maya was playable, Gearbox could easily flesh out Phaselock and make it more interesting. After all, Maya lacked the depth present that was present with the Borderlands 3 cast, so by extension her Siren ability did not get a proper chance to shine.

Much like it would be fun to play as Lilith again due to her powerful Firehawk abilities, the return of Phaselock through Ava could mean three variants of the same power. Alongside the default bubble, a bubble that changes color could be an option, and players could deal double damage if they match the corresponding element with the correct color bubble. A weaker version of Phaselock is another possibility, with all enemies in an area being lifted into bubbles for a far shorter amount of time.

Another option would play into the idea that Ava has control over Sanctuary 3 and the Crimson Raiders. Perhaps she could command an AI-controlled Crimson Raider companion to help her fight any enemies she comes across on the ground, with the soldier able to be upgraded in several ways. Sanctuary 3 could come into play through the addition of weapons aboard the ship, with Ellie possibly installing these to make Ava’s job easier. With Sanctuary 3 always in orbit near a planet, Ava could call down air strikes on her foes.

A final option would see Ava using her pet Hermes to assist her when she’s out in the field, with the cute ally being a very different type of companion. Having a mind of its own, perhaps Hermes could run up to enemies and steal their weapons out of their hands, stopping them from attacking Ava for a short amount of time. Beyond that, Hermes could grab loot for her as well as health vials and ammunition, constantly bringing gifts to its owner. With Ava able to have so many interesting abilities across several skill trees, making her a playable Vault Hunter in Borderlands 4 could be a wise idea.

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