The second and third installments to the Borderlands franchise have had stories that surrounded previous vault hunters. Borderlands 2 saw the player character aiding previous vault hunters in their fight against Hyperion, and Borderlands 3 was not too dissimilar in plot with the Calypso twins. It is likely that this trend will continue in Borderlands 4.

This has resulted in Avenger-esque team-ups where fan-favorite characters to come together to take on larger threats. Seeing duos like Mordecai and Brick or Zer0 and Rhys working together instills a sense of chemistry between characters that makes them feel real and likable. However, Borderlands 4 may be the opportunity for the spotlight to move away from previous vault hunters.

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Moving Away From Past Vault Hunters

Borderlands 3 Vault Hunters

Borderlands 2 and 3 largely surrounded the activities of previous vault hunters, with Lilith being the most prominent. In a lot of ways, Lilith has been the main character of the Borderlands franchise, with many developments being centering around her. In the past, this has been a great way to create a coherent world with a variety of interesting characters that all play a role. Having past vault hunter take part in the story not only serves as a callback, but is exciting for players who may have mained those characters and consider them their favorites. It is also a way for fans to get invested in the story.

However, this also limits the story in a few ways. By having the most important events focused on past vault hunters, it limits the potential for other characters to play a proper part in the story. There is only so much spotlight to go around, and a lot of it could be used to flesh out new characters instead. For that reason, it may be time for Borderlands 4 to let characters like Lilith go so that other characters can have their chance to shine.

This would not only serve to share limelight with other characters, but to increase the scope of the world. Despite Borderlands 3 featuring multiple planets to explore, the universe still felt somewhat small. On every planet the player character visited, they were greeted with familiar faces that made the universe feel connected, but much smaller as a result. Including factions and planets that lack any previous vault hunter involvement could be the key to creating a sense of discovery for players as they further delve into the game's worlds and locations.

One way Borderlands 4 could do this is by emphasizing the player characters' role more than past games have. The player character has always played an integral part, but it was more as a hired gun than a story element. For example, playing as Amara in Borderlands 3 felt somewhat off-putting considering the main villains had a penchant for stealing powers from sirens. Despite that plot element, it was never addressed throughout the story while playing as Amara. Allowing the players' choice of character to affect the dialogue or interactions within a plot would be a great way to emphasize the role of current vault hunters over previous ones. Having a character like Ava be a playable character in Borderlands 4 would be a perfect option to justify this, as they are involved in the plot and are not a previous vault hunter.

There is also the topic of the upcoming war that may arrive in Borderlands 4, which will likely see players encountering various factions vying for power. This could also see players exploring old and new planets in the Borderlands, expanding on elements not previously discussed. Hopefully, the game will expand on other characters, fleshing out their stories instead of relying too much on pre-existing vault hunters.

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