
  • Borderlands 4 needs an official announcement soon, as fans have been eagerly awaiting the next installment in the franchise for some time now.
  • The missed opportunity to reveal Borderlands 4 during the recent Twitter recap series is obvious, as many fans had hoped that the recaps were building to a game announcement instead of the movie trailer, which is what they ended up culminating in.
  • With the upcoming live-action film release on August 9, 2024, Borderlands 4 should be revealed right around that time to capitalize on the hype and attract any potential fans that want to get into the series thanks to the movie.

It has been nearly five years since the last mainline Borderlands game, and as there were five years between the release of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel spin-off and Borderlands 3, speculation has surrounded 2024 as a potential release window for Borderlands 4. At one point, it appeared that might happen, but as the year goes on, Borderlands 4 in 2024 is looking less likely without an official announcement.

Borderlands 4 hasn't been confirmed by Gearbox yet, but the developer arguably needs to say something about it soon. While there have been rumors and teases that seem to suggest Borderlands 4 is in development, it's almost imperative that an announcement be made sooner rather than later. This urgency to reveal the next Borderlands game isn't necessarily imposed by the fans who have been waiting for it. Instead, it's more arguably a self-imposed urgency by the franchise, as it had an ideal opportunity to announce Borderlands 4 but opted to reveal the live-action Borderlands film instead. Now, it can't miss its next most obvious reveal window, or hope of its existence may begin to dwindle even more.

Why Borderlands 4 Playing It Safe May Be The Best Route to Take

In light of some relatively recent unfortunate events regarding the Borderlands franchise, Borderlands 4 might be better off playing it safe for once.

Borderlands Can't Miss Its Next Reveal Window

Borderlands 4 Missed Its Best Reveal Opportunity

In a series of posts starting on February 6, the official Borderlands Twitter account began sharing weekly videos recapping the story for each mainline Borderlands game. While some believed this series of posts would eventually result in a Borderlands live-action film reveal, many others hoped they would find a Borderlands 4 reveal at the end instead. After all, it would make sense for the fourth mainline installment in the Borderlands series to be introduced after recapping the story of the first three games. However, much to the dismay of those awaiting a Borderlands 4 announcement, the recap videos ended after Borderlands 2, and it was revealed on February 20 that the videos were indeed all a part of a marketing scheme for the upcoming film set to hit theaters on August 9.

Sadly, although many have anticipated the live-action film since its announcement, this series of Twitter posts was the best opportunity Borderlands 4 had for an official reveal. Since then, the Borderlands film has received much criticism for its cast being too old for their roles and some of its characters seemingly not appearing faithful to the source material. Still, "could haves" and "should haves" concerning the recap Twitter series aside, all is not lost for Borderlands 4, as it has another reveal window that it absolutely should not so quickly pass up.

Borderlands 4 Needs to Be Revealed by August 9

With the live-action Borderlands film set to release on August 9, 2024, Borderlands 4 arguably has from now until then to show itself in some way. Ideally, a Borderlands 4 reveal would be perfect if it were done on August 9 — or, at least, the weekend of August 9 — as the two could essentially benefit from one another's attention. That being said, anytime between now and the film's release date would be fine, as those awaiting the movie will presumably have Borderlands on their minds for the next several months, and a Borderlands 4 announcement would do well to take advantage of that.

It's becoming a bit of a dead horse at this point to continue speculating on whether Borderlands 4 is in development based on rumors and teases, but there isn't much else to work with. As such, Borderlands 4 shouldn't forego this prime opportunity to treat loyal fans to some kind of reveal, whether through an announcement via Twitter or an official reveal trailer. There is just little reason why it wouldn't take advantage of the ongoing conversations surrounding it, especially while the film is such a hot topic. Nevertheless, hopes remain high that Borderlands 4 will eventually see the light of day.