The Borderlands franchise is known for three things: crass humor, an inordinate amount of guns, and memorable playable characters. It's these characters, Borderlands' Vault Hunters, who sit at the core of every franchise entry and provide the unique gameplay opportunities the series is known for. From the iconic Siren class to the fan-favorite Gunzerker, Borderlands wouldn't be the same without the creativity and charm of its many Vault Hunters. With the franchise moving on to its next entry, many fans are now wondering how developer Gearbox will continue to push the envelope with its playable characters.

With each new Borderlands entry, there's a sort of changing of the guard with its Vault Hunters. In Borderlands 2, for example, none of the Vault Hunters from the first game were available as playable characters. They instead appeared as NPCs, a tradition that continued in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel's DLC and base game and also Borderlands 3. While this ensures a fresh experience for each new game, it does take the spotlight away from some fan-favorite Vault Hunters. For Borderlands 4, Gearbox should consider bringing at least one Vault Hunter back as a playable character, and that is Borderlands 2's resident psycho, Krieg.

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Krieg The Psycho In Borderlands 2 Explained

Krieg in Borderlands 2

Krieg may not have been part of the four main Vault Hunters in Borderlands 2, but that didn't stop him from leaving an impression on the franchise. Introduced as a DLC Vault Hunter, Krieg is one of Borderlands' many psychos with the bloodlust and insanity to match. Deep down, however, Krieg is one of Borderlands' more compelling characters, as underneath his psychotic facade is a sane man desperately fighting for control over his own faculties. Due to the inhumane experimentation Krieg endured, he is forever torn between his violent outward persona and the reasonable voice in his head.

In terms of gameplay, Krieg remains one of the most exciting and unique Vault Hunters to this day. His skillset centers around melee combat, with his Buzz Axe Rampage Action Skill giving him increased melee damage, movement speed, and healing with each melee kill. In true psycho fashion, Krieg's skillset is also counterintuitive to how most of Borderlands' gameplay mechanics work, with much of it encouraging the player to take damage in order to become stronger. This makes Krieg a very high-risk-high-reward Vault Hunter, while also adding an entirely new way of approaching the game.

Why Borderlands 4 Should Reintroduce Krieg As A Playable Vault Hunter


News on Borderlands 4 is scarce, but if Gearbox wants to make waves with fans, it should consider making Krieg playable again. The psycho made appearances in Borderlands 3, most notably in the Fantastic Fustercluck DLC, where players were able to explore his psyche and understand the sane parts of him. To not have Krieg as a playable Vault Hunter again would be to waste the opportunity of being in his head as he continues to battle with his psycho side - especially after the death of Maya in Borderlands 3. There are also numerous things Gearbox could do to expand his skillset and make it even more compelling than it was in Borderlands 2.

Hopes are high that Borderlands 4 will be an even bigger hit than Borderlands 3 and Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, continuing the franchise's reputation for off-the-wall humor and fast-paced gameplay. It's too early to say what the Vault Hunters will be like in the next entry, but Gearbox should strongly consider the storytelling and gameplay opportunities that could come from bringing Krieg back as a playable character. Borderlands 2 is often viewed as a high point for the franchise, and reintroducing one of its most exciting Vault Hunters could give the franchise's next mainline entry a major boost.

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