With Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands set to release in March, the next main Borderlands game is likely still a few years away. However, with Borderlands 4 rumored to be in development, and the sequel likely not going to take as long to make as Borderlands 3, it isn’t too early to start talking about the future. Ironically, though, the best thing Borderlands 4 could do is look to its past.

With Borderlands 3, Gearbox made the bold decision to move beyond Handsome Jack, with the developer’s logic being understandable. The Borderlands universe is massive and full of interesting characters, and by telling new stories, a villain just as good as Handsome Jack could be created. Unfortunately, the Calypso Twins felt like wasted potential, serving as a clear reminder of Handsome Jack’s greatness. With a few possibilities available to Gearbox when it comes to Handsome Jack’s return, and the potential for an interesting narrative following his comeback, the villain deserves more screentime.

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Ways Handsome Jack Could Return


The first way that Handsome Jack could return is through Timothy, one of his dopplegangers. Completely transformed into Handsome Jack, Timothy was a playable Vault Hunter in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel and a major character in the Borderlands 3 DLC Moxxi’s Heist of The Handsome Jackpot. Here, players learn that some of Jack’s DNA is inside Timothy, and there are brief moments where Timothy snaps into a Handsome Jack persona. With the DLC’s ending playing with the idea that Jack could take control over Timothy, this is one easy way to bring back the menacing antagonist.

Another option would see a Tales from the Borderlands choice become canon. After Rhys fights and defeats the AI version of Handsome Jack, removing his cybernetics to get rid of his one-time idol, players can choose to crush or keep the eye that contains Jack. If Rhys chose to hang onto this eye, there is a chance that the Jack AI could return, something Borderlands 4 could play with. Whether Gearbox wants to use the AI, Timothy, or a combination of both, there are already some narrative threads present that would make Jack’s comeback feel natural instead of forced.

What A New Handsome Jack Story Could Be About

One fan shares their detailed Handsome Jack cosplay.

When thinking of what a new Handsome Jack story could be, the sky is the limit for Gearbox. One obvious route to go would be revenge, as Handsome Jack could hunt down everyone who wronged him. Seeing Lilith and the Borderlands 2 Vault Hunters being picked off one-by-one would be heartbreaking, but it would make Jack scarier than ever. Further, if the AI version is brought back, he would surely be deadset on killing Rhys, too. Knowing Borderlands, Jack would likely be hunting a Vault for power at the same time.

However, another possibility would see Jack getting a redemption arc. Redeeming a killer who has done awful things is always a difficult task for writers, but as shown with properties like The Walking Dead and the character of Negan, it can make for interesting storytelling. It is important to remember that if Jack did come back, he would have nothing. Hyperion has moved on, meaning he has no power, and his daughter is dead. He may have been humbled by his defeats at the hands of the Vault Hunters and Rhys, and a larger threat like The Watcher’s War could force him to be less selfish.

The reason Handsome Jack is such a beloved character is his complexity. While he is absolutely hilarious, he is also utterly terrifying. Further, his motivations are understandable. Pandora is an awful place that took his wife away from him, and the abuse he suffered when younger only twisted him further. As shown in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, Handsome Jack was always egotistical, but he also had the potential to do good. With so many layers, Handsome Jack coming back is something that could go in several directions. He could become a Tony Stark-like figure that retains his cockiness but tries to do the right thing, or he could go even further off the deep end.

While it is true that the Borderlands series is more than Handsome Jack, and can certainly live on without him, it does not need to. He is arguably the best character the series has produced, with many seeing him as one of their favorite video game villains of all time. As such, further developing him and telling more stories about him would not hurt. While there would undoubtedly be criticism about Gearbox falling back on what worked before and being stuck in the past, there is still untapped potential with Handsome Jack. Though it was good to have a break from him in Borderlands 3, and he likely will not appear in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, the character could bring a lot to Borderlands 4.

Borderlands 4 is rumored to be in development.

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