Borderlands 4 will need a strong villain for its story, but Handsome Jack's shadow may still be too long for the series to escape. Jack has been an overwhelming presence in the series since he first took center stage, with the developers and fan base alike taking notice in short order. Even after four installments, he's still the biggest and most powerful villain in the series, as well as the most memorable. His detestable nature and cruel wit made him a satisfying foe to take down. However, there is still the issue of how Borderlands' other villains could stand out.

Simply put, Borderlands 2's resident supervillain Handsome Jack is an absolutely terrible person. He either commands or commits an unbelievable amount of atrocities, most with a smile on his face. In addition, as the head of Hyperion, he is the most powerful person in the setting and throws around that power as often as possible. As if that wasn't enough, his insufferably arrogant and smug personality will become very familiar to players as he repeatedly taunts them during his adventure. Yet despite all of his horrible deeds, Jack still calls himself the hero of the story. Handsome Jack was perfectly designed to be hated.

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Handsome Jack's Status Could Be a Hindrance for Borderlands 4

Handsome Jack in Borderlands 2

His debut in Borderlands 2 made sure that Borderlands wouldn't forget Handsome Jack. He antagonizes the player right from the start of the game, and revelations throughout the story ensure that they will keep collecting more reasons to hate him as time goes on. From guiding an attack on Sanctuary, to killing original Borderlands Vault Hunter Roland, and that's even before getting into his bloody backstory. Like a good villain of his genre, everything that Handsome Jack did led up to the final confrontation with him at the end of the game, where he is ultimately taken down by the Vault Hunter that he constantly insulted.

However, even after his death, Borderlands continued including Handsome Jack. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel was more or less all about him and how he became the man he was by the time of Borderlands 2, with that game's protagonists having been hired by him. Even though he was effectively in the starring role for two games in a row, his influence came back in Borderlands 3 in the form of several references. There is even a DLC, Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot, featuring a casino built in his image. It seems that the series just can't escape from Jack despite him being dead.

Jack's influence ended up playing a big role as to why Borderlands 3's Calypso Twins couldn't measure up. In Borderlands 2 and The Pre-Sequel!, Jack's influence is undeniable, and the Twins couldn't deliver that kind of presence in comparison. Tyreen and Troy still managed to come across as solid threats, especially with the scale of their plans and their own Siren powers. However, they were always going to be compared to Jack, who would be difficult for any new villain to follow. Whoever Borderlands 4's villain ends up being will be more or less doomed to face the same unfair comparison.

Despite not being properly introduced until the second game, Handsome Jack is Borderlands' most iconic villain, for better or worse. While Borderlands 4 can move on from Handsome Jack, that task is easier said than done. Since the series has continued to remind fans of Jack even after his death, it wouldn't be a surprise if his influence made it into Borderlands 4 as well. However, for the sake of that game's story and villains, it might be better if he didn't. Handsome Jack was a big hit for the series, but he could unintentionally hold Borderlands 4 back.

Borderlands 2 is available now for Android, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

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