The Takedowns from Borderlands 3 are plenty challenging, rewarding, and fun, though Borderlands 4 should also bring back some of the endgame content from the older games in the franchise. Of all the things that have stayed relatively consistent throughout each sequential Borderlands game, the endgame content has seen some of the most changes. From wave defenses to Raid bosses, and eventually a combination of the two with Takedowns, Borderlands 4 has a lot of predecessors to learn from, including outside games in the genre. Also, given how the endgame content shapes the experience of the games for many players, there's a lot of pressure for Borderlands 4 to have a worthwhile endgame. Taking the series in a new direction could provide that, although bringing together the best endgame content from previous games in the franchise would make things even better.

Takedowns are a similar experience to Destiny 2’s strikes, which offer a gauntlet of combat and objectives leading up to a boss fight finale. This particular activity brings out parts of pre-existing endgame activities in the Borderlands franchise, although it doesn't necessarily recreate the magic of its influences. Specifically, Borderlands 3's Takedowns essentially combine Circle of Slaughters with Raid bosses, with minor puzzle elements mixed in. With this in mind, Borderlands 4 should consider bringing back the older endgame activities in all of their glory, while still continuing to explore the concept of Takedowns. Games like Destiny and Borderlands arguably have a lot that they could teach each other, although past Borderlands games may be all the influence that Borderlands 4 needs.

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Traditional Raid bosses deserve a comeback after taking the bench in Borderlands 3, as only one traditonal Raid boss was added at the very end of the game's life. For many players, Borderlands 2 is the fan-favorite over the other games in the franchise, and Borderlands 2's Raid bosses are a big influence on this decision. Even though Raid bosses date all the way back to the Crawmerax the Invincible from the original Borderlands, Borderlands 2's endgame doubles down and offers players many different unique enemies to fight and farm for loot. These epic fights would make many players happy if they were to show up again in a future Borderlands game, and Borderlands 4 is a prime candidate. Otherwise, Borderlands 4 would be missing a golden opportunity.

There’s still room for the Circle of Slaughter arenas to stick around as well, especially if Borderlands 4 plans to bring all the previous types of endgame content in the Borderlands franchise back into play. These classic wave defenses are a good way to close the gap in reaching the max level, while they're also a great source for farming Borderlands' legendaries in the endgame. Circle of Slaughters have stuck around despite the prominence of Raid bosses and Takedowns, so they should also return, possibly even getting a makeover in Borderlands 4.

Ultimately, Borderlands 4 would be wise to bring out the best endgame content of all the previous Borderlands games to offer players a wide variety of challenges and content to engage with. In bringing back the magic from the endgame from previous Borderlands franchise games, Borderlands 4 still has room to explore new activities as well.

Given how diverse the looter-shooter genre continues to become with indie games and AAA titles releasing, there are plenty of games for Borderlands to take inspiration from. At the same time, while Borderlands 4 can and should still explore new directions when it comes to endgame activities, pulling together the best of the franchise could be a huge boon for the Borderlands franchise at this point. With Circles of Slaughter, several old school raid bosses, and Takedowns, Borderlands 4 would have an impressively deep endgame.

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