The Borderlands franchise is known for its strong cast of characters peppered throughout every game. With each mainline release, new characters bring something new to the already vast selection of dynamics found on Pandora. Even the spin-offs tend to introduce characters that many come to love, and more often than not, fan-favorite characters from Borderlands games also tend to spawn their own DLC.

These DLC expansions range from a story simply involving a character that players learn more about, such as "How Marcus Saved Mercenary Day" from Borderlands 2, to DLC that deeply (and sometimes literally) explores a characters mind, such as "Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck" from Borderlands 3. However, there are some characters who are very much deserving of their own DLC when Borderlands 4 eventually releases.

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The Borderlands Series Has Plenty More Characters Worth Exploring

Borderlands 3 Ellie catch a ride

Character-focused DLC in the Borderlands series can lead to bigger things. Borderlands 2 saw the release of the widely beloved "Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep," which spawned its own spin-off game in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. Despite the amount of DLC expansions that focus on a reoccurring character, there are still quite a few options that Borderlands 4 has when it comes to making interesting storylines.

In Borderlands 3, Ellie was given a more prominent role. After the death of Scooter in Tales of the Borderlands, she takes on the role of mechanic who looks over Sanctuary. Despite her larger role there, a DLC expansion where she is the star would be fitting for her character as it explores her relationship with the rest of her family. It could also go into-depth about her feelings regarding the death of her brother, something largely unaddressed in Borderlands 3 due to the fact it takes place a while after Scooter's death.

Rhys is a unique addition to the franchise, having first starred in a non-mainline title not made by Gearbox: Tales of the Borderlands. Rhys would become popular enough with fans to have a prominent role in Borderlands 3 as the CEO of Atlas. A DLC focused around him could tell the tale of how he was able to create an entire city within a matter of years, while also containing lesser-known facts about Rhys to satisfy lore-hungry fans. This could also see him reunite with various characters found throughout Tales of the Borderlands, such as the master thief Fiona or his best friend Vaughn.

One of the most mysterious entities in the Borderlands franchise is Zer0. This four-fingered, haiku-slinging character is widely known for being shrouded in mystery, with fans not knowing whether they are a human, robot, or alien. Part of the intrigue with Zer0 is their mysterious past, which is why a DLC hinting at what they could be would work well in Borderlands 4. Not only would this be a great way to explore the mystery of Zer0, it could also shed some light on FL4K, who has a variety of skills that share similar names to Zer0's, leading many fans to believe they are related in some way. Whatever the case may be, a DLC focusing on one of these two would be a great way to add intrigue for both characters.

Many more members of the Borderlands cast are deserving of a proper DLC. Some like Gaige have a tragic backstory that are not nearly as in-depth as they could be. Borderlands 4 could give these characters and more some additional spotlight, adding further depth to them while also giving players an enjoyable experience.

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