Destiny 2’s bounties are a fun way to add extra layers of progression and rewards to the flow of gameplay, and they give players a chance to show off their skills. Borderlands 4 would be wise to consider what Destiny 2’s bounties could offer the franchise, especially with a signature Gearbox twist or two.

Bounties are a major part of the progression and weekly rewards in Destiny 2. In a game where the playlist activities can easily become repetitive over the course of continuous completions, bounties are a healthy way to reward players for achieving certain feats during activities. Destiny 2’s bounties are a low-risk method to offer players a chance to earn extra upgrade materials, and completing enough bounties within a weekly reset also gives players a shot at earning Pinnacle gear rewards, Exotics, and more.

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Borderlands Games Would Be Wise to Learn From Destiny 2’s Bounty SystemDestiny 2 Bansee 44 Gunsmith Vendor

Rewards like extra currencies and upgrade materials alone are plenty of incentive for completing bounties, especially when their objectives are things that players are already naturally performing anyway. This isn’t to say that bounties are all a means of effortless rewards though, since some bounties still require players to mix things up and use different playstyles and/or gear to complete the tasks at hand. Destiny 2 offers a variety of bounties for nearly every activity in the game, including PvP, PvE, seasonal playlist activities, and even playing together with clanmates. With how universal the bounties in Destiny 2 can be, it’s in every player’s best interest to always have some in the background of whatever task they are completing.

While each daily and weekly reset in Destiny 2 brings on a new set of featured bounties from most vendors, players always have the option of taking on an unlimited amount of repeatable bounties. Repeatable bounties don’t immediately offer the same quality of rewards as the daily and weekly bounties, but due to their unlimited access, their rewards can easily add up for players who know how to maximize their playtime for the best rewards in Destiny 2. In Borderlands 4, bounties could have a lot of potential for giving players more ways to earn currencies and loot on top of the rewards that Borderlands’ endgame content already offers.

One of the main draws for completing a variety of daily, weekly, and repeatable bounties in Destiny 2 is the xp rewards. It’s even a tradition in the Destiny 2 community to claim a bunch of bounties leading up to a new Season and to turn in the bounties for a headstart on levels in the latest Season pass. In a Borderlands game, bounties could fulfill the same purpose and offer players a chance to speed up their character leveling or other forms of progression like Badass Ranks.

Not only could Destiny 2’s bounties in a Borderlands game offer players additional ways to earn currencies, upgrade materials, and xp, but it could also introduce factions to the Borderlands franchise. A majority of Destiny 2’s bounties no longer offer reputation gains for their related vendors, but once upon a time in the series, faction reputation was one of the primary reasons to grind out bounties. The Borderlands franchise has a variety of different characters with different allegiances and motives that could make for a worthwhile faction system in the franchise, and bounties could be a good entry point for this type of feature to be introduced.

There are arguably a lot of features that Destiny 2 could learn from other games like Borderlands, and vice versa, and Destiny 2’s bounties are a worthy contender for many reasons. Destiny 2’s bounties could give new life and replayability to certain content in the Borderlands franchise, providing players with new ways to progress and earn loot.

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