
  • Borderlands 4 is likely to have four new playable Vault Hunters, following a trend set by the previous games in the series.
  • A Siren and a military-themed character are expected to be among the new Vault Hunters, as they have been staples in the series so far.
  • There may be a Vault Hunter with a summonable ally and a wild card character with unexpected abilities, adding variety to the gameplay experience.

Some logical conclusions about the classes that will be in Borderlands 4 can be found by looking at what the first three games had to offer. While there is no way to tell for sure until the developers make an announcement, Borderlands 4 could follow some trends that the last few games have built up. Unless something major changes during the development cycle, players can probably expect another selection of four Vault Hunters once the new game comes out. The real source of intrigue is what their character classes will be, and what abilities they will have.

Fans should be familiar with the playable Vault Hunters of Borderlands by this point. Each game introduced four new playable characters, with Borderlands 2 going the extra mile and adding Gaige and Krieg as well through DLC. In addition to being the character model that the player will be using in-game, they also impact the game through their own abilities. Each Vault Hunter has their own unique class and powers, and they have their own perk trees that the player will advance through by leveling up. While every Vault Hunter plays more or less the same at Level 1, it doesn't take long for their individual playstyles to emerge.

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It's almost certain that Borderlands 4 will have a Siren since every game in the main series has featured one among its Vault Hunters thus far. Likewise, it's highly likely that a military-themed character in the vein of Roland, Axton, and Moze will be among their ranks as well. The Sirens are heavily involved in Borderlands lore in addition to adding a splash of variety, while the military-themed characters are a standard, generally being the most straightforward classes in their respective games. Every game thus far has had these archetypes represented, and Borderlands 4 is unlikely to end that tradition.

While the Siren class and military archetype are more or less staples in the Borderlands series, there are a few more details that have been consistent among Vault Hunters. Each of the first three games has featured characters whose abilities involve summonable allies. Mordecai had Bloodwing, Gaige had Deathtrap, FL4K had his summonable beasts, and Moze had the Iron Bear. One of Borderlands 4's Vault Hunters could very well have a summonable ally of their own. Their designs and classes are all very different, but the common thread between them could continue on to influence one of Borderlands 4's new Vault Hunters.

While there are traditions for Borderlands Vault Hunters, there is also likely to be a wild card. Claptrap in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is the best example of such since his ability randomly chooses from a variety of effects, including the powers of other Vault Hunters. Another good example is Salvador, whose Gunzerking ability lets him dual-wield weapons while regenerating health and ammo. These kinds of abilities don't fit in with any established pattern, which may be the point. After all, a game as wild as Borderlands needs some wild cards, so there will probably be a completely unexpected ability among Borderlands 4's new cast.

There are some guidelines that Borderlands has followed when it comes to its Vault Hunters, so some things will be expected. Borderlands 4 has a big opportunity to make a splash with its new cast. After all, the strength of previous Vault Hunter teams gives the next crew a lot to live up to. After how wild Borderlands 3 was, the next game will probably see a few more shifts in the status quo. Despite all the uncertainty, past history at least gives a decent idea of what Borderlands 4's new Vault Hunters might look like.

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