After years of anticipation and expectation, Gearbox Software ​​​recently confirmed that the next mainline entry in its popular looter shooter IP, Borderlands, is in development. Borderlands has captivated players since 2009 across three major installments and numerous DLC expansions and spin-offs with its parody of a space Western premise, while also building a fun and unique setting with increasingly complex lore and storylines. The series usually coats its more serious aspects and emotional explorations with a host of lighthearted elements, and perhaps one that is most prevalent is the robot with grand plans that are often thwarted by his own hand: Claptrap.

Among Borderlands' cast of colorful characters, the talkative Claptrap has long been a franchise mascot and an embodiment of many of its more farcical elements. The chipper robot's relentless enthusiasm that inevitably, and hilariously, bumps up against the harsher realities of Borderlands' setting and his own limitations is often the source of some of the series' best and most memorable moments. Claptrap has been known to engage in various plots in his attempts to find true friendship as well as his place in the universe, but as yet to no avail. As such, one of his previous endeavors to do so that ended in failure should finally be realized in the fourth installment.

Though it is officially announced, Gearbox has not yet provided fans with further details regarding Borderlands 4 's direction , plot, or other possible changes to its established designs.

Borderlands 4 Should Finally Give One of the Series’ Oldest Characters The Spotlight

After a long history with the franchise, one side character from the Borderlands games deserves to have his story further explored.

Borderlands 4 Should See Claptrap Finally Succeed in One of His Greatest Ambitions

Claptrap's Search for Friendship and Acceptance

Though he is usually the go-to comic relief character, Claptrap does have a bit of a tragic history. He is the last survivor of a decommissioned line of support robots, which were deemed obsolete and cruelly scrapped en masse by longtime villain and Hyperion CEO, Handsome Jack. Since then, and upon meeting each group of subsequent Vault Hunters, Claptrap has desperately wanted to be recognized and embraced as a truly valued member of the troupe. While many of his schemes may be misguided, his heart appears to be in the right place.

Fans were given the chance to play as Claptrap in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, which delved further into his personality, literally, in the Claptastic Voyage DLC. Borderlands 3 saw Claptrap convince the current Vaunt Hunters to recover various parts in service of reconstructing another damaged Claptrap unit, which he intended to be his robotic romantic partner. While this unit, called VR-0N1CA, was successfully restored, upon installing her higher cognitive functions, she promptly dismisses Claptrap and goes on her own independent path. All of this was perfectly fitting for the long-suffering Claptrap, even as it was a sadder outcome in terms of his simple wish for companionship.

How Claptrap Could Finally Find a Friend in Himself in Borderlands 4

While it's still uncertain exactly which characters Borderlands 4 might bring back, there is almost no doubt Claptrap will return in some way, since he is so ingrained in its identity. This time around, perhaps Claptrap finds a method to clone or otherwise recreate himself, since it seems having a companion that he deems worthy and equal to himself is what would make him happiest. Two exact Claptraps would certainly be in line with the series' constantly escalating absurdity, especially when it comes to the diminutive robot.

However, in true Borderlands style, this would also probably have a high chance of backfiring spectacularly in amusing ways. For example, it wouldn't be outside the tone that, if his plan comes to fruition, the Claptraps then end up being at odds with themselves, perhaps by deciding that there, in fact, can be only one. At the end of the day, though, Claptrap merely seems to want to be accepted and seen as a helpful hero by others than himself, and it would be nice to see something to that effect in Borderlands 4, as he has surely earned some measure of personal satisfaction.