The Borderlands franchise is known for many things. An endless array of guns to choose from, over-the-top humor, a unique art style, challenging raid bosses - all are key parts of the series’ identity. However, the most important attribute of Borderlands is the characters. From cosplays and artwork to theories and fan fiction, gamers are constantly sharing their love for figures like Lilith, Handsome Jack, and Claptrap. Going forward, Gearbox may want to consider doubling down on these characters and their stories.

It is no secret that Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands’ DLC was received poorly by the community, as gamers missed the expansions of old that provided fresh stories and hours of quests. Though Gearbox should absolutely go back to that style with the next game’s DLC lineup, it should also ensure that each expansion dives deep into a particular character. In doing so, it could tell some more powerful stories and make key characters even more popular.

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Recapturing The Magic of Tiny Tina

tiny tina dragon keep

It is important to recognize that though Tiny Tina was instantly popular after her first appearance in Borderlands 2, it is the Assault on Dragon Keep DLC that truly made her a fan favorite. Not only was the fantasy theme refreshing, but the story at the heart of the DLC was a moving tale about grief, and it made Tina endearing to many. The success of this expansion led to Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, a stellar spin-off that is set to become its own franchise. If Gearbox aims to craft more DLC with great gameplay and, more importantly, character-focused narratives, perhaps another character can reach Tina’s popularity and get their own series one day.

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel’s Claptastic Voyage and Borderlands 3’s Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck DLC are the closest the series has come to a similar style, as the former highlighted Claptrap’s inner turmoil while the latter touched on Krieg’s trauma and the impact of Maya’s death. Claptastic Voyage was seen as the very best content in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, as it featured solid storytelling alongside good gameplay. While the Krieg expansion was unfortunately light on content, having overly short quests and lacking the same enemy variety as something like Guns, Love, and Tentacles, its story was absolutely a step in the right direction.

Borderlands’ Cast is Full of Character Study Opportunities


When thinking of Borderlands characters most deserving of extra time to shine, Zer0 and FL4K come to mind. Gamers have wanted answers about these characters for years, pondering where they come from and why they exist. A character-focused DLC could see one or both of them reflecting these feelings, asking the same questions that fans have been asking for years. Not only would players finally get their answers about the mysterious robots, but a powerful story could be told about someone searching for their purpose in life.

With Fiona and Sasha’s return in a future Borderlands project teased by Randy Pitchford, making these characters the focus of a Borderlands 4 DLC could be the route to go. Instead of a plot where players search for a Vault or battle a foe like Butcher Rose, the expansion could be all about Fiona and Sasha repairing their relationship. Fiona has a lot to answer for, and helping her repair things with someone she loves could make for another impactful DLC.

Tannis is another character that could be nice to explore further, especially as she comes to grips with her new Siren powers. With the Borderlands series having so many beloved characters, taking them seriously and respecting players’ love for them will always be key. While Borderlands does not have to lose its comedy, as it is a defining trait, some of the series’ best moments are where it eases up on the jokes and allows the characters to feel like real people. Focusing completely on one character to explore their emotions and relationships could be a great route to take for DLC in the next Borderlands game, and a grounded tone can help the moments hit as hard as they should.

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