
  • Borderlands 4 should bring back fan-favorite characters like Dr. Zed, who was noticeably absent from Borderlands 3.
  • Though Fiona is returning in an upcoming Borderlands novel, she deserves to be seen again within a video game.
  • Athena's partner Springs should be developed further in Borderlands 4, as more depth and backstory for her would be welcome. Axton is another character who could use another appearance, as his role as a commentator and model during Borderlands 3 was lacking.

A game is only as good as its character cast, and Borderlands has been hitting the nail on the head with this dynamic since its inception. The stream of character additions was a staple feature of post-launch eras of the series' installments, and it shocked fans when Gearbox broke tradition by announcing Borderlands 3 wouldn't feature a playable character DLC. As such, new faces haven't been forthcoming, and with Borderlands 4 on the horizon, Gearbox could look to shuffle its cards and bring back some fan-favorite characters that have been left behind in the franchise's long journey.

Like many mainline series, the cast of Borderlands' most recent edition and its debut differ significantly, with many important figures dropping by the wayside due to deaths in the storyline and other factors. However, a few such characters still hold value in the player base today, as fans reminisce about the odd joke or act of bravery displayed, and those that are still living but have just stepped out of the story could be seen again. As such, Borderlands faithful are holding out hope for the return of a few popular characters in Borderlands 4.

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Dr. Zed


One of the most iconic video game doctors, Dr. Zed was conspicuously absent from Borderlands 3's proceedings. The omission of the traveling doctor and his wily nature left a gaping hole, and there's no in-game explanation for his absence. Speculation has it that the character's voice actor couldn't commit to recording new lines for the game due to personal issues, but with his heavy involvement in the series and the Dr. Ned conundrum, Dr. Zed's return in Borderlands 4 would be welcomed with open arms by the fan base.


Fiona New Tales of the Borderlands

The mark of a good series is when a spin-off character can steal the hearts of its consumers, and Fiona did just that in Tales From The Borderlands. Her dynamic duo relationship with her sister, Sasha, was considered one of the best parts of the spin-off, and the hints of a love triangle between her, Sasha, and Rhys were the talk of the town. Fiona is a paradoxical character in the true sense of the term - a con woman with a soft heart - and her disappearance was never revisited in New Tales From The Borderlands despite Fiona being shown in the final scene, which is an omission that should be corrected in Borderlands 4.


Janey Springs Splashcard Borderlands

Appearing in the Pre-Sequel and Tales From the Borderlands, Janey Springs is a multifaceted character with professions in junk dealing and writing children's books. Once again, the paradoxical clash is a theme with Springs, and she holds a romantic interest in Athena. Apart from her flirtatious moments and an eventual relationship with Athena in Tales from the Borderlands, her character wasn't really expanded on, and she could use some development in Borderlands 4.

Butt Stallion


Just about every Borderlands fan loved Handsome Jack, and confirmation of his death dimmed the lights on Borderlands 3 by quite a bit. Although he died in Borderlands 2, his character reappeared as an AI solely visible to Rhys in Tales From the Borderlands. Butt Stallion fell into a deep depression after Handsome Jack's death, eventually coming under the guidance of Tiny Tina. The young explosives expert has since headlined a spin-off game where Butt Stallion featured prominently, though Butt Stallion hasn't featured in the main franchise since Borderlands 2, and bringing her back would honor Handsome Jack's memory.


character military history

After a stellar role as the Commando in Borderlands 2, Axton was an odds-on favorite to return in Borderlands 3, so his absence from the cast raised eyebrows in the fan base. He appears after a fashion in the Arms Race mode of Season Pass 2 as a commentator and a risque model, but the reduced role hardly befits his character, especially considering his status as a Vault Hunter with a complex past in Borderlands 2. Borderlands 4 is another chance for Gearbox to expand on Axton's persona in a less comedic manner, and fans are looking forward to his return.

MORE: The Unwritten Rules of Borderlands 3