Many fans of the Borderlands franchise are patiently expecting an announcement for Borderlands 4. After all, it has been almost four years since the last installment. But Borderlands 3certainly wasn't perfect. So if a new installment were to be announced soon, many fans would hope for some changes from the previous game.

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When it comes to Borderlands as a franchise, it is ever-changing from game to game. Fans can always expect something new, and fans can also expect the unexpected. So whether Gearbox will take the criticisms from the previous game into account remains to be seen. For now, fans can simply look forward to a potential announcement.

7 Fix The Story Writing

Tyreen and Troy Borderlands 3

The main story is a big part of the Borderlands games, which incorporates a lot of dynamic characters and brilliant dialogue. Unfortunately, the story is one of the things which Borderlands 3 fell flat in. Fans had an issue with the way in which things played out, the villains, and the way in which information was given to the players.

One big way of fixing this issue would be using the "show don't tell" rule. Let the players discover things by themselves, make them work for information, and piece things together. This interactivity makes any story so much more enjoyable. Add more lore for the people who want to discover it, and just generally make a more engaging story.

6 Make The Map More Interactive

Borderlands 3 Map Athenas, painted blue

Borderlands has some incredible maps, and the different areas of the game are always a joy to explore. Surely it would make sense to make the exploration more engaging for players. Map exploration, if done correctly, can become a big part of the game. In a new installment of the series, this would also be something to look forward to.

Ways to make exploration more fun would involve adding more movements for the characters. For example, swimming through underwater levels, and floating in space levels, gliding, climbing, the possibilities are endless. This is definitely a feature many fans would be excited about.

5 Inventory Management

borderlands 3 maliwan guns

There were over one billion guns in Borderlands 3, and no way to manage them at all! With such an insane number, there definitely needs to be some way to sort through them. Otherwise, it can get quite overwhelming. And guns are not the only item in the inventory, there are also grenades, shields, quest items and so much more.

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A simple categorization system can make all the difference here. Make it so that players have the option to sort through guns and items in different categories. In any case, the inventory needs improvement if there is a future installment.

4 Make The Vault Hunters Important

Amara and FL4K

Something disappointing about Borderlands 3 was the lack of inclusion for the playable characters. They are never in cutscenes, never referred to by name, and other characters sometimes take credit for their accomplishments. This is quite sad, considering how important the Vault Hunters are supposed to be in the games.

Something that can help in fixing those mistakes is giving the Vault Hunters a bigger role in the story. Show them in cutscenes, and give them more voice lines. There is so much potential, especially with such an interesting cast of characters. This can also help fix some of the story issues.

3 Bring Back Explosive Damage

Borderlands 3 Explosive gun beastmaster

In the original Borderlands game, there were explosive weapons that dealt extra damage due to the bullets exploding on impact with the enemies. This is definitely a mechanic which was unique and useful. It would be so much fun to see the explosive damage brought back in a new installment, like a blast from the past!

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It would also be fun to see this included in character builds, somewhat like how characters can be built with high melee damage. It might be good to see different types of characters too, like an explosives expert for example. There is definitely a lot that can be done here, but even just bringing it back would be enough.

2 More Customization


This is something that Borderlands 3 nailed. There were many options for customization, with skins and weapons, and color palettes. It would be great to see this continued in the next installment of the franchise, possibly with more options. It might be good to customize the guns for example, with different parts and paints.

Many fans would also love to see fully customizable characters. Especially if the trend of not being in any cutscenes continues, the choice of this fun cosmetic could bring an extra element to the game. With the aesthetics of this franchise, a character creation menu would be wonderful.

1 More Emotes

Maya Borderlands 3

Emotes were a lot of fun in Borderlands 3, but the game definitely could have used more of them. In Borderlands 4, it would be great to have more emotes added to the game. There also aren't many instances to use the emotes other than in quests that require them.

The game could definitely benefit from more emotes, as well as more ways to use them. This could be in areas that require a certain emote to access, for example, or just more for co-op purposes. Either way, it would be great to see more in the next game.

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