The Borderlands franchise is well-known for its cast of colorful characters. From Tiny Tina to Mr. Torgue, there's almost as much personality in the series as there are guns. With Borderlands 4 in development, many fans are wondering how developer Gearbox will top its previous efforts. If there's one thing the developer is known for though, it's continuously pushing the envelope to create characters that are more zany and memorable than before. Borderlands 4 already has some high expectations, but the one area fans probably don't have to worry about it is the entertainment value of its characters.

The Borderlands franchise loves to make reference to some of its more iconic figures. Characters like Mr. Torgue make frequent appearances across entries because of how strong of an impression they initially made, even if they don't play a major role in the story. One such character that Borderlands 4 should give a cameo to only appeared in one mission in Borderlands 2, but they remain an integral part of the franchise's cast. That character is Face McShooty, and there are a few ways Borderlands 4 can continue the legacy of this short-lived but well-remembered part of the series.

RELATED: Borderlands 4 Wish List

Face McShooty in Borderlands 2 Explained


For the unfamiliar, Face McShooty is a psycho who appeared briefly in Borderlands 2. Located in Thousand Cuts, Face McShooty has but one request, for the player to shoot him in the face. He offers a mission simply titled, "Shoot This Guy in the Face", and frantically screams this request with a desperation and fervor that makes it hard not to give into his demands. If the player stays idle or shoots Face McShooty in any spot other than his face, he'll loudly voice his displeasure, but once the job is done he'll finally exclaim, "Thank you!" Players are then rewarded with a trophy titled "Well That Was Easy".

How Borderlands 4 Can Continue the Legacy of Face McShooty

Borderlands 4 Wish List Psycho

Face McShooty is hardly as integral to the Borderlands franchise as someone like Handsome Jack, but he's still emblematic of what makes the series so enjoyable. Between all the gritty action and fate-of-the-world-deciding battles in Borderlands are moments of inane levity and absurdity. Face McShooty remains one of the best examples of that, confronting players with a hilariously ridiculous task that is over as quickly as it began. The character could have just as easily never been included in Borderlands 2 without any consequence, but the fact that he was helped create memories for gamers that last to this day.

Giving Face McShooty a cameo in Borderlands 4 could be as simple as it was in Borderlands 2. Gearbox could do a few things, but one of the funniest possibilities would be repeating the same exact quest with the son of Face McShooty. Players could be traveling through one of the planets in Borderlands 4 and hear familiar screaming off in the distance, and as they get closer, they'd see a familiar psycho with the name Face McShooty Jr. The rest could play out just like Borderlands 2's mission, perhaps with some references to McShooty Jr.'s insane, but passionate father from so long ago.

Anticipation is high for how Borderlands 4 will continue the story of Borderlands 3, but fans shouldn't forget how great the silly parts of the franchise can be. While some fans may have forgotten Face McShooty a long time ago, there would still be great comedic value in digging up the character through his similarly psychotic son. Whether it gives longstanding fans a nostalgic chuckle or confounds new fans just as the original Face McShooty did, it would continue the Borderlands franchise's legacy of never taking itself too seriously. After so much time spent trying to save the world, sometimes it just feels nice to take a break and oblige the wishes of a screaming madman.

Borderlands 4 is currently in development.

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