Borderlands 4 is set to continue the series' mainline story, following Borderlands 3's final DLC, Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck. While the mainline Borderlands series enjoys a strong central storyline, the larger Borderlands Universe features a host of spin-off titles, each exploring an aspect of its established lore. Both New Tales of the Borderlands and Tiny Tina's Wonderlands have been released since the Psycho Krieg DLC, adding new threads to an already-packed narrative. While Borderlands 4 could follow up on a number of storylines from Borderlands 3, its greatest potential lies in merging threads from across its larger universe. With so many characters and interwoven storylines ripe for a return, the pieces are in place for an Avengers: Endgame moment in Borderlands 4.

Borderlands 4 has yet to be officially announced, but rumors surrounding the title's development date back to 2021. Fans have long speculated about what its narrative might entail, as Borderlands 3's narrative didn't quite live up to expectations. However, New Tales of the Borderlands introduced a dramatic power shift within the Borderlands Universe, with multiple major corporations seeing a change in leadership. This shift could have immense ramifications for Borderlands' other storylines, leading to a convergence point for many of its character's primary arcs.

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Borderlands 4 Could Follow the Watcher's War


Borderlands 4 could follow a host of narrative arcs, and Borderlands 3 and New Tales of Borderlands' major shake-ups set the stage for one Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel thread to take center stage. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel sees players stop Tungsteena Zarpedon from destroying Pandora's Moon, Elpis. When confronted, Zarpedon states that she is attempting to do so because Jack, later the infamous Handsome Jack, seeks to use it to open the planet's Vault. Zarpedon had been informed by The Watcher, Guardian of Elpis' Vault, that Elpis was the key to unlocking the Grand Vault, unleashing an entity called The Destroyer.

It is clear, after the events of Borderlands 2 and Borderlands 3, that Zarpedon was clearly in the right, as Handsome Jack becomes Borderlands' greatest villain and players discover the Watcher's warning for themselves. In Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, The Watcher offers another warning, after saving Athena from a firing squad. According to The Watcher, the galaxy will need all the Vault Hunters it can get for an impending final war. The Watchers War appeared averted by the events of Borderlands 3. However, massive lore implications from New Tales of the Borderlands pave the way for the climactic conflict to take shape, as the series introduced its most powerful source of energy, Anahatium, sentient crystals that give their user power over life and death.

Borderlands 4 is set for an Avengers Endgame Moment

Borderlands Vault Hunters

The weaponization of Anahatium introduces an Infinity Stone-like power to the Borderlands Universe, providing a natural origin for The Watcher's War. Were Borderlands 4 to re-introduce this universe-shifting conflict, the title could see the series' most popular NPCs and Vault Hunters return for the ultimate team-up. Given the lore surrounding Borderlands' Vaults, all the pieces are in place for its characters to re-enact Avengers: Endgame's most memorable scene. Facing the ultimate evil, Borderlands 4's returning characters could emerge on the battlefield from interdimensional portals in an homage to the famous scene in which Marvel's "Snapped" heroes emerge on the battlefield.

Borderlands 4's potential Watcher War could see Borderlands' previous Vault Hunters featured as playable options. However, with New Tales' paradigm shift, it remains to be seen which characters could adequately stand up to an Anahatium-infused threat. The green Shard Spirit, freed from its crystalline prison, is currently fused with Rhys' lovable robotic companion TIMM-E, manifesting a mysterious lifeform called The Integrated. Were Borderlands 4's early narrative to see the green spirit removed from The Integrated, and reunited with its red counterpart, it would take every Vault Hunter in the galaxy to pose even the smallest force of opposition.

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