
  • Ava's story potential in Borderlands 4 is significant, as she has already made a significant impact on the series with her Siren powers and involvement in major plotlines.
  • It would be interesting to see how Ava adapts to her newfound powers as a Siren and how she handles the responsibility of being the late Maya's successor.
  • There is a possibility that Ava could be a playable character in Borderlands 4, making her the first playable Siren with the same abilities as a previous Siren, which would be a milestone for the series. Either way, her search for Lilith and new role as the leader of the Crimson Raiders all-but-guarantees she will be important.

Ava is one of the newest characters in the Borderlands series, but she's primed for a major role once Borderlands 4 comes along. Of course, in a series with a cast that grows as quickly as Borderlands, there's always a risk of being lost in the shuffle. However, Ava managed to make a significant impact with only one game on her resume so far. While she's not the biggest name in the series' roster, and she's also quite controversial, she has a lot of storyline potential waiting to be fulfilled. Borderlands 4 would be the best time to ensure that her story gets told.

Considering the lore behind Borderlands' Sirens, it's no surprise that they've been so prominent throughout the series. Original Siren Lilith ended up becoming the leader of the Crimson Raiders, and Borderlands 2's Siren Maya ended up immediately returning for the next game as well in the role of Ava's mentor. If this trend holds, then players should expect Amara from Borderlands 3 in Borderlands 4 as well. Of course, with Ava being a Siren as well due to the events of Borderlands 3, that puts her in that elite company. As a result, her stock in the next game's story is unsurprisingly substantial.

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Ava is Set Up For a Big Story in Borderlands 4

Borderlands 3 ending ava

Branching directly off of the story of Borderlands 3 would be the best decision for Ava's own story. An aspiring Vault Hunter orphaned by the death of her parents, Maya found her sometime before the events of Borderlands 3 and took her in while also teaching her about life as a Vault Hunter. Tragically, Maya would be murdered partway into the story, leaving Ava without her mentor. However, Ava ends up absorbing Maya's Siren powers after her murderer's death, and at the end of the game, Lilith leaves Sancuary in her care before disappearing. In a short time, Ava became one of Borderlands' most powerful characters.

With so many story threads, Ava should definitely return for Borderlands 4, because all of her narrative potential can't go to waste. For one, it needs to be seen if she goes through with effectively being the head of the Crimson Raiders, or if she seeks some other purpose. Likewise, as a newly-ascended Siren, it would be interesting to see how she adapts to her powers. This is doubly true since she has the same powers that Maya did, making her role as the late Siren's successor even more meaningful. Ava has a lot of responsibility to carry now, giving her a built-in storyline for the next game.

One strong possibility is for Ava to be playable in Borderlands 4, rather than a storyline NPC. Since Ava originally wanted to be a Vault Hunter, this tracks in terms of motivation. Plus, she would make a milestone for the series since she would be the first playable Siren with the same ability as a previous Siren. This provides an intriguing opportunity to see if she uses Phaselock the same way that Maya did, or if she develops her own twist on the power. Since Borderlands 4 will almost definitely have a playable Siren, there's a good chance that it could be Ava.

Ava is in a perfect position to play a major role in Borderlands 4. Whether it's as Borderlands' latest take on the Siren class, or as one of the game's more important NPCs, Ava's story isn't one that can simply be pushed to the side and ignored. She is already involved with several major elements of the series, including the death of a beloved former protagonist. So much was built up over the course of one game that there needs to be a payoff, so whatever happens in Borderlands 4, Ava will need to be a part of it.

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