At this point, Borderlands 4 seems like an inevitable reality. While the community waits for the next franchise installment, there are a few hopes and dreams for the type of content players will receive in the beloved Borderlands universe for Borderlands 4.

Much of the desires for Borderlands 4 are speculations of fan-favorite features, yet some of the series’ landmark features are likely on the fence for the next title as well. In particular, the endgame content from the Borderlands 3 is a likely contender. Ultimately, arguments can be made both for and against introducing the Takedown expansions from Borderlands 3 to Borderlands 4.

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Against: Borderlands 3’s Takedowns are Unbalanced

borderlands 3 changes rare spawns takedowns

Even with the party size scaling, the Takedown activities in Borderlands 3 are incredibly difficult with any number of teammates. The Takedowns require the best of the best Vault Hunter builds in Borderlands 3, especially when any of the Mayhem difficulty levels are involved. Having any amount of teammates is a great way to alleviate completing some of the objectives in Takedowns, but it could also be a double-edged sword. Each additional teammate increases the difficulty of Takedowns as it does in all of Borderlands 3, so the activity can become increasingly hard depending on players' experience with it. The game accounts for every player being able to participate, and it doesn’t decrease the difficulty just because someone dies.

For: Borderlands 3’s Takedowns are Free Endgame Content

gearbox software adjustments player feedback

The Takedown activities in Borderlands 3 weren’t available at launch, but instead added at later dates and were free to play. Borderlands 3 didn’t offer too much in terms of endgame content aside from the wave-based survival arenas, so the Takedown activities filled a frustrating void for most players. Since the Takedowns effectively became Borderlands 3’s endgame content, this meant that the online multiplayer had a worthwhile reason to stay alive beyond players helping each other with the difficult parts of the original campaign or expansions.

Takedowns and the wave-based survival arenas offered players the chance to cooperatively farm gear from generic loot pools, as well as dedicated loot pools in Borderlands 3. Not all legendary gear can drop in any one particular activity, but the variety of loot in the Takedowns and other endgame activities is still rewarding content that promotes multiplayer.

Against: Borderlands 3’s Takedowns Took Away Traditional Raid Bosses

moze iron bear screenshot

Raid Bosses in Borderlands are a strong part of the reasoning behind the community favoring Borderlands 2 above other Borderlands franchise games. While Takedowns offer an experience somewhat close to a raid boss battle, the fight isn’t as inviting to players looking to farm just the boss. Takedowns have a bit of a long build-up before any bosses become available, and sometimes even dedicated objectives. In a way, Takedowns are somewhere in the middle of Raid Bosses and survival arenas, as they offer a little bit of the best from each of the two activities.

For: Borderlands 3’s Takedowns Are More Engaging Than Survival Arenas

Anyone in the Borderlands community who has played since the original Borderlands might remember the Underdome arena. The repeatable survival arena introduced in the original Borderlands’ Mad Moxxi’s Underdome Riot expansion was a chore to get through. It was ridiculously long and had no dedicated loot pool, and as a consequence, it wasn’t worth completing more than once. This activity possibly gave survival arenas in Borderlands a bad name, and very early on in the franchise.

It may have even turned players off of the survival arenas in the recent Borderlands games, although all the issues previously mentioned have been resolved in survival arenas in the recent games. Takedowns especially solve all the problems that survival arenas have had and offer a more casual approach to endgame content that feels far less repetitive than any arenas or Borderlands 3's Circle Of Slaughters.

Borderlands 4 is in development.

MORE: Borderlands 4 Should Either Open Pandora's Box or Leave it Closed for Good