Each person who has played Borderlands 3 at this point has their favorite Vault Hunter. It can be because of the skills that they have, their style, or the amazing dialogue that each one offers. No matter which Vault Hunter you choose, they each have their own charm.

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Fl4k has his love for murder and hatred towards humans. Moze has a brash attitude and militaristic style. Amara has her fame and self-admiration, and Zane has his love for booze and pure Irish charm. Each Vault Hunter brings great dialogue to the table in a different way while running across the various planets you travel to. Now it's time to take a look at some of it.

10 Zane's Piano Recital

While on Eden-6 you must travel to the Rogues' hideout to discover what happened to Archimedes. When you reach the location, you are welcomed by the sight of corpses spread out across the room, and blood splattered everywhere. This sight would seem rather traumatic, but Zane casually states, "Reminds me of my first piano recital." He did grow up in a rather bad family, but if this is how his first piano recital ended it makes you wonder how all the others ended. Still, that sudden outburst is sure to make anyone crack a smile.

9 Fl4k And The Codpiece

During your time on Eden-6, you must venture into the wilderness to find the ship known as The Crown Jewel. While on your journey, you come across BALEX, a plush animal with The Crown Jewels' navigation AI inside of it and amazingly voiced by Ice-T. While going through the jewel, you find an old robot that you must place BALEX inside. The only problem is that you can only fit him in the robot's crotch. After being placed in an awkward location and asked to reply on the look of it Fl4k states, "I am trying not to look at your plush codpiece. And failing."

8 Amara Loving Her Biceps

When you reach the planet Promethea you come across Rhys and his glorious "siege mustache" after helping Lorelei take back the communications tower. Rhys doesn't take too kindly to you at first until he realizes that you are apart of the Crimson Raiders.

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This makes him ask the question, "How many troops did you bring? Twenty thousand? Fifty thousand?" Amara can't help but capitalize on the moment and say, "Depends. Do you count my biceps separately?" Amara definitely has a strong love for herself and her muscles.

7 Fl4k Is Sweet On Ellie

Ah, the early hours of Borderlands 3 when you are still on Pandora and haven't traveled across the galaxy. It's when you get to reacquaint yourself with some old characters like Ellie. You find her lovable self out in her junkyard killing bandits like normal, but when she asks what you're staring at, Fl4k can't help but say, "Most humans are frail and weak-but you've got admirable heft, girl." Didn't think Fl4k would actually attempt to flirt with a human, but at least we get a great piece of dialogue that won't be easily forgotten.

6 Moze Knows Where To Kick'em

After leaving Promethea behind, you must venture forth to the planet known as Athenas. This is the home of one of the fan-favorite characters from Borderlands 2, Maya. She is struggling to keep control of Athenas from the Maliwan corporation and recruits you to help her. After meeting Maya, Moze endearingly says, "Maliwan's full of teched-out nerds. Let's kick'em in the dick." Ouch. Moze is really straight to the point with how to them down.

5 Ava Wants Amara's Autograph

After meeting Maya, you get to meet the lovable and often hated, Ava. This little scamp wants to grow up to be a vault hunter one day and when you come around she can't help but be impressed. Amara uses the chance the state, "That's me! Would you like an autograph?" Now this quote is sure to make you chuckle, but what makes it even better is Ava responding with a resounding "Yes! That's so freakin' cool I want to die instantly." Didn't know Ava was that big of an Amara fan.

4 Zane's Version Of Mourning

After the tragic death of Maya at the hands of the sinister Calypso Twins, you travel back to Sanctuary to mourn. Ava takes it especially hard and the vault hunters are tasked with consoling her. Zane takes it the extra mile with his statement, "Someday when you're old enough, we'll get absolutely shitefaced and sing songs about her till our throats go hoarse."

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It's hard to not get a laugh out of the thought of Zane and Ava singing songs while wasted. Good ol' Zane knows how to cheer someone up.

3 Amara Doesn't Care For Mixtapes

One of the side missions on Promethea has you working for a doctor that needs more supplies to help aid people caught in the war between Atlas and Maliwan. He isn't so bad until he tells you that his "residency was in rhyme." He then offers you a free mix-tape that he created. Amara doesn't take too kindly to it and says, "Ura, please. I'm from Partali. I don't want your weak-ass rhymes." It might have hurt the good doctor's self-esteem, but at least we got a laugh out of it and avoided getting a mix-tape that would've probably made us go deaf.

2 Keep Pointing The Gun At Jack

Once you get into the DLC of Borderlands 3, you go to a massive casino that was built by Handsome Jack to spite Moxxi. On this floating tower of self-love and debauchery, you find a character that many people were wondering about since his appearance in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. It is non-other than Timothy Lawrence. He begs you not to shoot him and calls out that he isn't jack, but Moze states, "Well, you look exactly like all these ridiculous statues-so I'm gonna keep pointing my gun at you, just in case." That has gotta hurt Timothy's pride a little with disbelief like that. Or maybe his disguise really is that good. He did go through tons of surgery, after all, to look like that.

1 Fl4k Really Hates The Stash

Once you finally kill Katagawa on Promethea, Rhys is waiting for you just outside the boss arena. It is there that you are asked one of the most important questions in the game and actually get to give an answer. Is Rhys really pulling off the mustache? Well, Fl4k seems to really hate it since he goes so far to state, "It fills me with revulsion I normally hold for plague vermin, or a beached whale, stuffed with expired mayonnaise left to rot in the scorching sun of a dying planet." Rhys really gets a kick in the place where the sun doesn't shine with a comment like that, but at least we get a good laugh at his pain as he finally shaves that mistake off of his face.

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