Fl4k and Amara have been proven to be some of the most badass vault hunters in Borderlands 3. Amara players quickly discovered ways to allow them to take down even the toughest bosses within seconds despite their massive health pools. Fl4k, robotic beastmaster, has also seen tons of love and attention from the community with players finding ways for him to survive even the strongest enemies.

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Together, these two vault hunters make for an amazing duo that all the enemies of the Borderlands universe should fear. But, we ask the same as other vault hunters, what are the best legendary items to use on these great heroes?

10 Amara - Brainstormer

Amara has a real knack for using elemental weapons just like other sirens throughout the series. The Brainstormer shotgun is one of the best weapons to use on her due to her ability to steal health from enemies when inflicting elemental damage.

This shotgun arcs electricity to nearby enemies, practically giving Amara infinite health as long as she doesn't run out of ammo. This weapon is one that appears in many Amara builds and it's no surprise as to why. It packs a punch.

9 Fl4k - Unseen Threat

Fl4k is the king of using sniper rifles which is no surprise since he is seen using them in many of the Borderlands 3 trailers. The Unseen Threat is one of the best mainly because of its ability to spawn rockets that home towards the nearest enemy with each critical hit.

The base damage along from this weapon can take down some of the strongest enemies, but it truly shines in boss fights where the rockets typically trackback to the boss for that extra damage. This weapon works amazingly well with Fl4k's  Fade Away class ability which makes every shot count as a critical hit.

8 Amara - Spiritual Driver

Do you remember that ability that allows Amara to run faster if she takes damage? Well, the Spiritual Driver takes that to the next level. This class mod causes Amara's action skill to deal her elemental choice of damage to herself and amplifies that speed boost to insane levels.

With this class mod, speed equals damage and you will be dealing plenty of it. Add this class mod to your next Amara build and you will be flying around the map at lightning speed and knocking foes into next week.

7 Fl4k - Bounty Hunter

Fl4k has a lot of hunter skills that typically only come into play when Fl4k kills an enemy. With this class mod, it takes away the kill requirement and adds a chance for each bullet that hits an enemy to proc all of his hunter skills at once. This allows him to gain that optimal DPS to take down foes and help with some serious mobbing.

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This is especially good when you realize that this class mod gives bonuses to both The Most Dangerous Game and Frenzy skills that Fl4k has. This further increases the amount of damage that Fl4k and his pet can dish out.

6 Amara - Yellowcake

The Yellowcake is one of, if not the strongest weapon in the game right now with radioactive globs that shoot out of it and melt foes with ease. Now combine this with one of the amazing Amara builds out there and you will be dealing millions of damage before you know it.

This "rocket launcher" (cause can you call globs rockets?) works especially well with Amara's Ties That Bind ability that links enemies who are phasegrasped together allowing you to one-shot multiple foes at one time. This weapon really makes things a piece of cake.

5 Fl4k - Recharger

The Recharger is a shield that (as the name suggests) automatically refills whenever it breaks. It does have a cooldown period of twenty seconds, but that hardly matters with the survivability bonus it gives to Fl4k. This is one of those all-purpose shields that can work well with almost any build you decide to use on your Fl4k character.

Let's face it, Fl4k doesn't have the best survivability. He is a glass cannon and any boost to his survival is greatly appreciated, especially when it involves your pet's life (cause who doesn't love the skag pet?).

4 Amara - Pearl Of Ineffable Knowledge

This is an all-around amazing artifact to use on any Amara build and is possibly the best artifact in the game. It gives a damage boost for each consecutive hit on enemies and, at max, gives you a sweet damage bonus of ninety percent. That kind of damage is something that any vault hunter can take advantage of.

It used to be that you would need an Elemental Projector artifact to achieve that kind of damage, now it is as simple as hitting an enemy over and over again. Better start thanking Cl4pTr4p for finding it.

3 Fl4k - Hunter Seeker

The Hunter Seeker grenade is best used with the Bounty Hunter class mod. This grenade shoots bullets out of it when flying towards enemies that don't deal insane damage, but rather have the ability to proc the Bounty Hunter class mods ability.

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This will allow Fl4k to get all of his hunter skills without even needing to fire his weapon (though that still helps). Throw some of these bad boys out to help you proc those hunter skills and get the damage that Fl4k is known for. This grenade is also really useful when going up against bosses.

2 Amara - Flipper

The Flipper was recently added in with the Bounty of Blood DLC and has quickly become a go-to weapon for Amara because of the elemental damage that it causes.

This weapon quickly goes from firing one bullet to nine in the shape of a diamond that can quickly melt enemy health bars and thanks to Amara's life steal ability, give her health in the process. This weapon has quickly replaced other fan favorites like the Cutsman and the Kyb's Worth.

1 Fl4k - Craps

The Craps is an interesting revolver that doesn't appear to be anything special at first glance but can work wonders with Fl4k. This revolver has a fifty percent chance to fire out five projectiles at one time and thanks to Fl4k's Two Fang ability, it can double to ten projectiles.

This amplifies the power of this weapon by more than you would probably need. With Fl4k's other abilities, you can stack damage with this weapon that can easily take down various enemies you will come across in your travels through the universe.

NEXT: Borderlands 3: 10 Pro Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Bounty Of Blood